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IdealizationsIntroduction t2235_module_05.


Module Overview
In this module, you will begin learning about the many different types of Idealizations that can be applied to Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica analysis models. Idealizations are certain workflow concepts, Pro/ENGINEER functionality and features specific to Mechanica that you can use to reduce the resources (time, memory, disk space, and so on) required to analyze a model.

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe the different Mechanica Model Types that are available. Create and analyze 3D Mechanica Models. Create and analyze 2D Plane Stress Mechanica Models. Create and analyze 2D Plane Strain Mechanica Models. Create and analyze 2D Axisymmetric Mechanica Models. Understand Beam Idealizations. Create and Apply Beam Sections. Create and Analyze models with Beam Idealizations. Understand Shell Idealizations. Create and Analyze models with Standard Shell Idealizations. Create and Analyze models with Midsurface Shell Idealizations. Understand Mass Idealizations. Create and Analyze models with Mass Idealizations. Understand Spring Idealizations. Create and Analyze models with Spring Idealizations. Understand and Use other Techniques to Idealize and Simplify Mechanica Analysis Models.

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