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Assignment for grade VII Algebraic Expressions and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions 1.

Add 5x2 - 1/4x + 2/3y and 2/5x2 + 1/3x + 2/3y 2. Subtract 3y2 2xy 7/2x2 from -2/3y2 + 3/2xy + 2x2 3. Simplify [ 2a2 2b2] [a2 b2] 4. Multiply the monomials 9pqr3, -4p2rs and qr 5. Multiply 2x2y by -6xy2 6. Multiply (4x 5y2) by 3x3 7. Multiply [-2/3 ab2], [3/8 a2c] and [-6/11 c2] and verify the answer for a =b=c= -1 8. Multiply (2x + 3y) by 3x 2y 9. Find the product (6qr 5rs) (6qr 5rs) 10. Expand using suitable identities: a) (5x + 6y)2 b) (2x2 + 3y2)2 c) (4x 5xy)2 d) (3/5x2 1/2x3)2 11. Find the product using the identities: a) (2x + 4) (2x 4) b) (x + a/y) (x a/y) 12. Find the value of the variable: 212 112 = P/-3 13. Factorise completely: a) a(b c) + d (b c) b) ax bx + ay by c) (x a) + 3b (x a) 14. Factorise: a) 4x2 9y2 b) y4 x4 c) a4 1 d) 25a2b2 49x2y2 15. Factorise after removing the HCF: a) 10a2 20ab + 10b2 b) a4 4a3 + 4b2 16. Evaluate using identities: a) 152 b) 962 17. Simplify: a) (2y + 3) (y 2) (5y + 3) (y 2) b) (3x 4y) (x + y) + (5x + 7y) (x y)

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