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For the Writing Nazis Out There

By Elton Camp Post online and get unsolicited advice Expect that some wont be at all nice When my writing such folks apprise Theyre all experts in their own eyes Your rhythm and meter are wrong. In the trash your poem does belong. Set a poem into rhymes and they say Only stuff for kids is done that way. But make a stab at writing free verse Your write didnt rhyme, they curse The thing that Id really like to say Just who asked your opinion anyway! To see a few Likes is enough for me Harsh criticism I dont prefer to see The post that is most likely to offend Has a stupid smiley face at the end Its like Hitler in a vile, bigoted rant On his arm band, a smiley does plant As if his idiotic views he can prate But with a smiley face, then mitigate

You worthless scum! : )

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