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Ankylosaurs Ankylosaurs were among the last dinosaurs standing 65 million years ago, before the K/T Extinction, and with good reason: these otherwise gentle herbivores were the Cretaceous equivalent of Sherman tanks, complete with armor plating, sharp spikes and heavy clubs. Ankylosaurs (which were closely related to stegosaurs) seem to have evolved their armament mainly to ward off predators, though it's possible that males fought each other for dominance within the herd. 2. Ceratopsians Among the oddest-looking dinosaurs that ever lived, ceratopsians--"horned faces"--included such familiar dinosaurs as Triceratops andPentaceratops, and were characterized by their huge, frilled, horned skulls. Most ceratopsians were comparable in size to modern cattle or elephants, but one of the most common genera of the Cretaceous period, Protoceratops, only weighed a few hundred pounds. 3. Dino-Birds During the Mesozoic Era, there wasn't just one "missing link" that connected dinosaurs and birds, but dozens of them: small, feathered theropods that possessed a tantalizing mixture of dinosaur and bird features. Exquisitely preserved feathered dinosaurs likeSinornithosaurus and Sinosauropteryx have recently been unearthed in China, prompting paleontologists to revise their opinions about bird (and dinosaur) evolution. 4. Hadrosaurs Among the last--and most numerous--dinosaurs to roam the earth, hadrosaurs (commonly known as duck-billed dinosaurs) were large, oddly shaped, low-slung plant eaters with tough beaks on their snouts for shredding vegetation. Most hadrosaurs are believed to have lived in herds, and some genera (like the North American Maiasaura andHypacrosaurus) paid especially close attention to their children. 5. Ornithomimids Ornithomimids ("bird mimics") didn't resemble flying birds, but landbound, wingless varieties like modern ostriches and emus. These two-legged dinosaurs were the speed demons of the Cretaceous period; some genera (like Dromiceiomimus) may have been capable of hitting top speeds of 50 miles per hour. Oddly, ornithomimids were among the few theropods to have omnivorous diets, feasting on meat and vegetation with equal gusto.

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