Abortion Group Presentation Fall 2013

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Stephanie John Ruby Verenice

Abortion Issues

Federalism is the share of power between National government and State governments and abortion relates to it because both National and State government have their own opinions and laws on abortion The State government believes that they should ban all abortions but also mandate abortions if they choose to. The National government believes that there is a constitutional right to abortion and that abortion must remain legal in every state and that any state laws that ban abortion are unconstitutional. Abortion is legal for two reasons which is because women have the right to make decisions about their own reproductive system and because they have the power to exercise that right regardless of the government policy

Federal Government
California's role on abortion is that they believe its a safer solution. They currently have NO restrictions regarding abortion: There is NO parental involvement required. There are NO waiting periods There are NO limitations on publicly funding abortion, as there are in other states .State senate approved legislation that will broaden number of abortion providers in California. This bill, AB 154, would also allow Nurse Practitioners, and Certified Nurses to provide a common abortion procedure.

National Government
The National Government has been deliberately trying to ban Abortion and woman could only use it under necessary circumstances such as, rape, incest or a womans life put to danger. Declaration of Independence, asserts that the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendments protections apply to unborn children. The Hyde Amendment was passed by congress in 1976 it excludes from comprehensive health care, provides to low-income people by Federal Government through Medicaid, mandates abortion funding in rape, incest, or woman's health

Abortion Wars
National: Roe v. Wade is a landmark decision on the supreme court on the issue of abortion. The court ruled 7-2 under the right of privacy under the 14 amendment which extended to a woman's decision on abortion. Roe central holding was that a person has the right to until viability. roe defined viability as being able to live outside the mothers womb with artificial aid. State: Cline v. Oklahoma is where Oklahoma law restricts the way doctors describe an abortion including medication Oklahomas version is either to ban all the abortion medication which is challenging the lawyer to require the doctors to follow the FDA protocol. The Supreme Court was to strike down the law as unconstitutional

For Federal Government: None

For National Government: Stephanie Verenice Ruby John

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