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SOLOM Teacher Observation

Student Oral Language Observation Matrix

Students name: _Jose Luis Lopez De La Paz _______Grade:________5th _______Date:____8/27/13_______________________ Language Observed: English___________________Administered By: (signature) Melanie Talcovitz________________________ 1
A. Comprehension Cannot be said to understand even simple Conversation.

Has great difficulty following what is said. Can comprehend only social conversation spoken slowly and with frequent repetitions. Usually hesitant, often forced into silence by language limitation.

Understands most of what is said at slower-thannormal speed with repetitions.

Understands nearly everything at normal speech, although occasional repetition may be necessary. Speech in everyday conversation and classroom discussions generally fluent with occasional lapses while the student searches for the correct manner of expression. Student occasionally uses inappropriate terms and or must rephrase ideas because of lexical inadequacies. Always intelligible, though one is conscious of definite accent and occasional inappropriate intonation patterns. Occasionally makes grammatical and or wordorder errors which do not obscure meaning.

Understands everyday conversation and normal classroom discussions without difficulty.

B. Fluency

Speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible.

Speech in everyday conversation and classroom discussion frequently disrupted by students search for the correct manner of expression. Student frequently uses the wrong words, conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary. Pronunciation problems necessitate conversation on the part of the listener and occasionally lead to misunderstanding. Makes frequent errors of grammar and word-order which occasionally obscure meaning.

Speech in everyday conversation and classroom discussions fluent and effortless, approximating that of a native speaker.

C. Vocabulary

Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make conversation virtually impossible. Pronunciation problems so severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible

Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary, comprehension quite difficult. Very hard to understand because of pronunciation problems. Must frequently repeat in order to make himself of herself understood. Grammar and word-order errors make comprehension difficult. Must often rephrase and or restrict himself or herself into basic patterns.

Use of vocabulary and idioms approximate that of a native speaker.

D. Pronunciation

Pronunciation and intonation approximate that of a native speaker.

E. Grammar

Errors in grammar and word order so severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible

Grammatical usage and word-order approximate that of a native speaker.

Grade level of student: 5th Approximate age of student: 10 Country of origin: Cuba

Student SOLOM Score






Jose does not understand simple commands in English. If you are speaking to him you mainly have to use hand gestures for him to get what you are saying. When speaking to him you do have to speak very slowly and repeat yourself so that he can think about what is being said. Jose cannot speak his mind in English, as much as he tries. He can say simple pronouns but will stop to think about what he is trying to say but he always just says what he wants in Spanish and hopes that you will understand any part of what he has said. Jose has little to no oral vocabulary. He tries to say what he wants, but he ends up just giving up because he cannot express himself in this foreign language. He will attempt to speak in a complete sentence but ends up just saying what he wants in Spanish. Since he rarely speaks in English, and when he does you cannot understand him because his accent is so thick and he speaks very low and it is hard to understand him at all. He will only say one or two words but other times it is extremely difficult for him to mean what he wants.


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