Roboticals (Autonomous Car)

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Group 5: Andres D., Helana Marta, Sina

Cars not needing a capable driver Driverless car

Car that uses GPS or satellite for navigation

Driverless Cars Modern technology

GPS Satellites

Achen motor Phantom Motor Car (1926) RCA labs

Car uses wires (1953)

Mercedes Benz
Robotic Van (1980)

Nevada was the first state in the U.S. to approve licenses for driverless cars

DARPA Grand Challenge (2004) First Autonomous Car Competition No one declared winner DARPA Urban Grand Challenge (2005) Second Autonomous Car Competition Won by Stanford DARPA Urban Grand Challenge (2007) Navigate through urban area with Traffic Won by Tartan Team (Carnegie Mellon)

360 Sensor GPS or Radar

Used in order to detect surrounding cars
In order to calculate where to go In order to do check-ups on the vehicle Also used in order to detect surrounding

Computer Vision

Vehicle to vehicle communication

cars and prevent accidents.

Google car
First commercial car Not used to transport people

Beneficial to atmosphere
Pollution control

Less accidents
Anyone will be able to travel via car

Job loss
Accident liability Some drivers might not adapt themselves to the new car.

75% of all vehicles autonomous by 2040 Traffic accident reduction (10%)

Improved efficiency

Overcoming liabilities
Faster travel times
Less air pollution Ability for anyone to travel

This will change our society/lives

Andres Daza - Research on impacts to society Sina Kazemzadeh - Research on history Marta Majstorovic - Research on future trends and put together aesthetics Helana Nguyen - Research on technology and leader of group

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