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The Capsule

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Psi State, Alpha Delta Chapter September Vol.7, Number 1 Editors: Communication Committee
Alpha Delta: (local) PSI State: Facebook: Program: Program: Continuing Education with SWGTC! Initiation of New Members (3) Announcements: **pay yearly dues** $71 Active, $27 Reserve *Nominating Committee (Rhonda Keve, Opal Lewis, Faye King, Sandra Clark) will meet after our 1st meeting. Please plan to be there or call Lois Duncan, Chair (762-4724) *Please remember to bring books as donations for Childrens Literacy.
Beth Womble. Media Specialist at Washington Middle School in Cairo, has received an Elise Boylston Grant from DKG in the amount of $1500. These funds will be used for purchasing fiction titles for middle-school students. Titles deemed high-interest are the focus of this grant. The goal is to continue to purchase fiction materials to improve the education for the students at Washington Middle School by adequately supplying reading materials to cultivate a climate for helping to build life-long learning. One objective is to create a collection of fiction books that increases the circulation and limits the time necessary to meet the demands of highinterests titles and new releases. Another objective is to replace worn or lost copies so that the fiction section can continue to thrive. This is the 5th year in a row that she has received this grant for her media center!


2013 2014 Meeting Schedule

Thursday, October 3, 2013 Southwest Georgia Technical College Thomasville, Georgia 4:30 pm refreshments 5:00 meeting Thursday, January 16, 2014 Washington Middle School Media Center Grady County 4:30 pm refreshments 5:00 meeting Thursday, March 6, 2014 4:30 Hand-in-Hand Primary Thomas County 4:30 pm refreshments 5:00 meeting Thursday, May 8, 2014 Dinner Meeting Thomasville City (location announced later) Catered Meal from Chuck Wagon BBQ, LLC (owned by Jan Westbergs family) members will pay at the door for meal

Regrets: Susan Thompson, Membership Chair (229) 859-2784 Or

Delta Kappa Gamma - Alpha Delta Chapter Minutes May 2, 2013 The Alpha Delta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met on Thursday, May 2, 2013 at Washington Middle School, Cairo, GA. Grady County served as hostesses for our dinner meeting. President Faith Shiver welcomed everyone to our meeting. There were 26 members in attendance. We began our meeting with an inspirational message by Diana Rineer. Her moving message encouraged us to teach to the soul of our students and not to their faces. While the content we are responsible for is important, the soul is what we will connect with. Old Business: The minutes were presented from the Capsule. There was a motion and second to accept the minutes as written. The treasurers report was given by Lois Duncan who indicated that the current balance was $1028.20 in our chapter account. There were also reminders about applying for scholarship money and that we may have $350 to carry over. President Faith Shiver will be keeping a Presidents Blog. We are encouraged to keep up with events through her blog and the Facebook page. Scholarships: Kaitlin Rehberg, a PreK teacher from Grady County Schools, Melissa Matthews, a PreK teacher from Thomas County Schools, and Natalie Suber from Thomasville City Schools were each recipients of a $100 scholarship for beginning teachers. Little Moment of Literacy: Seventeen books were donated for this project at the May meeting. Psi State Chapter Awards: Our chapter was presented with several awards at the recent convention. Awards included: Forward Moving Chapter Award, Merit Chapter Yearbook Award, Certified Chapter Web site Award, Excellence in Communication Award ($20 award donated to Leadership Fund instead of plaque), and Exemplary Award in Communications (received 80 out of 80 points). New member/candidate: Seven educators were recommended for membership and placed on the ballot. Candidates are Beverly Ponder from Grady County Schools, Topreka Hayes and Lisa Gilligan from Thomas County Schools, and Christie Ariail, Gina Bennett, Jo Farrell, and Leigh Fletcher from Thomasville City Schools. Special Guests: Our guests for the meeting were Jennifer Godwin and Linda Carter from the Pregnancy Center of Cairo and Thomasville, respectively. Linda Carter gave her Christian testimony explaining that at age six she gave her life to Christ and how God has led her to the mission field and back. Her role at the Pregnancy Center has been especially fulfilling because she was adopted. She explained how involvement in the center provides Bible study and life/parenting skills for the clients. She ended with a beautiful song praising God for what He has done for her. Both ladies were grateful for the members baby shower donations. It was sad news that just a few days after her testimony was shared with our chapter, Linda Carter passed away unexpectedly. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Annette James

Chapter Presidents Message

Greetings! I'm looking forward to our meeting next week at Southwest Georgia Technical College. We can look forward to initiating three new members and an exciting program. Several of us are heading to Macon this weekend for the Psi State Executive Board meeting. We will have information for you about DKG happenings and committee reports at our meeting. I will have an updated Presidents Message posted on the website after Executive Board also. Remember to pay your dues at this meeting and update any contact information changes. Faith Shiver

Fall Birthdays 9/5 9/11 9/22 9/24 10/11 10/17 10/20 10/24 Sheila Bullington Debbie Goodman Faith Shiver Lois Duncan Willodene Lee Paula Baunoch Topreka Hayes Ashley Finch 11/6 11/11 11/20 11/20 11/26 12/17 12/20 12/26 12/30 Pat McCaskill Gale Stewart Lisa Gilligan Opal Lewis Miriam Powell Sheila Massey-Tucker Diana Rineer Allison Dewell Annie McElroy

*We apologize if your birthday is not listed. Please send your birth date to Jan Westberg at so it may be added to the database.

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