Education 2.0? Designing The Web For Teaching and Learning

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Education 2.0?

Designing the web for teaching and learning

According to the article the Web 2.0 allows the education it easier for both the teacher and the students, because now a day through the new tools the teachers can awaken in their students an interest for learn new things through the internet and this help to the students because through the interaction tools can participate different people and the students and teachers can know not only their point of view also the opinion to others. Not only the students and teachers can benefit with the web 2.0 as well the whole people that want get information about what is happening in the world or people that want to share their own business, they can do it through the internet and when they do they will be using Web 2.0. I think that the social networks are a very good potential within each student's learning all depends on the use that each of the people do with a social network. Because although some of these are not correct use, others may allow to students to improve their learning because only the fact to register in a social network the student start to meet new friends, then get to know different things that they did not know which could do with a social network. On the other hand the Semantic web is like a way to make easier the access to all things that the internet has and allows all people to support with this tools that the Internet provides and to this way they can have a better acquisition of new knowledge. The semantic web allows to all users to have an easier access to all things. To other hand Web 3.0 is an improvement of the semantic web, to this web all the things that are being invented to do easier the way that human can use it the internet in some moment these new things will add to this web. In conclusion we can find many technological tools that thanks to web 2.0 nowadays have served to increase our knowledge, but it can also say that these tools, many people use it incorrectly which is why not all people will have a satisfactory result at the end . Web 2.0 has allowed to the teachers to have a better interaction with their students, because by utilizing all these tools the teacher will motivate their students and will awaken an interest for wanting to learn more about all the new things that the teacher will teach them. (Noss)

Noss, R. (s.f.). Obtenido de

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