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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Team Co-Teaching/ Video lesson Teacher Candidate: Rochelle Lovelace & Trikia Spaulding Lesson # 1 Subject/Grade: 6th-8th Date and Time of Lesson: 10/2/13; 9:00am-9:30am Learning Objective: The students will be able to identify what a career/job is and determine what they would enjoy
pursuing in their future.

Alignment with Standards: EEDA Standard 3: Students will explore careers and the connection of school to work. o Standard 3.1: Define what work/job/career means. Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: The objectives for this lesson are appropriate because students of this age are exploring different curricular paths which will continue to develop in high school. Also, this lesson is appropriate for transitional planning purposes. Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
Lesson Objectives Objective 1: The students when shown examples of jobs/careers, can identify different job/careers and define what a career/job with 80% accuracy. Assessment of the Objective Pre-Assessment: Questions to gain previous knowledge led by pictures of different careers. Mid-Assessment: After presentation of video, questions will be asked to gauge students attentiveness to video. Post-Assessment: A development of a vision board based off of individual career/job interests.

Accommodations: The students will be provided visual supports (written statement which will be used as a model for
students to copy) and pictures of jobs. One-on-one assistance will be given for the students who require this accommodation as part of their IEP accommodation.

Materials: Smart Board Computer PowerPoint slides Video ( Construction paper Glue sticks Labeled pictures Typed statement Procedures:
1.) To begin the lesson, we will ascertain the students knowledge of careers with pictures of careers and question about pictures: (Rochelle) Can anyone tell me what they think a career or a job is? What are some careers you are familiar with? What do you think this career is? What do you think this person does at their job? 2.) Presenting a video pertaining to careers/jobs, followed up by questions to determine attentiveness and knowledge gained. (Trikia) What careers did you see in the video?

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Team Co-Teaching/ Video lesson

3.) Display a PowerPoint about careers/jobs and examples of each. (Trikia) 4.) Vision Board- Instructions of the vision board will be displayed on Smart Board, and reiterated out loud as well as demonstrated. (Trikia, Rochelle) Vision board: will consist of students name, pictures of careers students are interested in and a statement pertaining to careers, in which students will rewrite. 5.) Students will have the opportunity to publish their vision board in the classroom.

Activity Analysis:
Vision Board: This supports the lesson objective by providing a creative and engaging way for the students to identify careers that they are interested in. This activity provides a connection between careers/jobs that students are interested in. Technology used in this activity is the computer and a Smart Board for the display of directions. Procedure of Vision board: 1. Students will be given a construction paper with their name and career related statement The careers I am interested in are. 2. Students will then rewrite the statement provided so that they have ownership of their work. 3. Students will then have a choice of 6 career option pictures that they might be interested in. 4. Students will paste their selected pictures to their construction paper. 5. Then students will publish their paper in the classroom.

"2013 Vision Boards Creative Goal Setting with Kids." Specialism. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2013. "Career Day" by The Bazillions." YouTube. YouTube, 12 Mar. 2011. Web. 23 Sept. 2013.

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