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CT Proper

Ordinary Loose Connective Tissue: Omentum

Modified Loose Connective Tissue (Mucous CT): Umibilical Cord
Modified Loose Connective Tissue (Reticular CT): Lymph Node
Modified Loose Connective Tissue (Reticular CT): Splenic Stroma
Modified Loose Connective Tissue (Reticular CT): Liver (w/ & w/o Ag stain)
Modified Loose Connective Tissue (Adipose T): Omentum
Modified Loose Connective Tissue (Adipose T): Skin (Thick, Thin, Scalp)
Modified Loose Connective Tissue (Pigment T): Eyeball
Modified Loose Connective Tissue (Lamina Propria): Intestine
Dense Connective Tissue (Regular): Tendon
Dense Connective Tissue (Irregular): Skin (Thin, Thick, Cat’s Paw, Scalp)
CT Proper Components
Intercellular Fibers (Collagenous Fiber): Skin
Intercellular Fibers (Collagenous Fiber): Skin
Intercellular Fibers (Collagenous Fiber): Omentum
Intercellular Fibers (Collagenous Fiber): Adventitia of the Aorta
Intercellular Fibers (Elastic Fiber): Adventitia of the Aorta
Intercellular Fibers (Reticular fiber): Liver w/ Ag stain
Cells (Fibroblast): Perichondrium of Cartilage (Hyaline C, Fibrocartilage)
Cells (Fibroblast): Periosteum of Bone
Cells (Fibroblast): Perimysium of Muscle
Cells (Adipocyte): Mesothelium & Omentum
Cells (Mesenchyme): Umbilical Cord
Cells (Macrophage): Liver
Cells (Macrophage): Lung
Cells (Macrophage): Spleen
Cells (Lymphocyte): Spleen
Cells (Pigment Cell): Skin

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