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ITESM campus Chiapas Elisa Ma. Pascacio Muoz Lengua Extranjera A01171556-IQP Mtra.

Eira Feria 29 de septiembre de 2013 HW: Comparison about the hunger games movie and book The first part of the Hunger Games movie is just a little different to the first part of the book, there are details that in my opinion arent very explained in the movie, for example, it says the Disctrict 12 is also called the Seam. Of course in all the books thara are small details that we dont see in the movie. In the movie we start watching the interview with a very important guy whos related with the Hunger Games. In the movie, Katness start trying to make her sister stop crying because she was afraid, she was already 12 and she was ready to be chosen f as a tribute in the Hunger Games.; on the other hand, in the book, Katness start talking about the District 12 and some things about her mom, dad, sister and her best friend Gale. Something that is the same in both is that she went to the wools where se could be relaxed and happy and se could feel better talking with her friend Gale. It says they always met there to talk and hunt. In the movie you dont recieve a description of Katness tools to hunt, you know is a bow but in the book is also written that it was made by her fatter with other friends and stuff like that. The movie and the book say that she retrieve her bow and sheath from a hollow log. As you can see, in the most cases the book and the movie are differents in small details but theyre the same on other things. This contrast is not the exception, maybe the thing that is different is just the begining and maybe the end.

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