Earmark Request

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Denny Rehberg Appropriations Committee

State of Montana Labor, Health and Human

Services, and Education
Energy and Water Development
Foreign Operations

<!Congress of toe Wniteb ~tates

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WlIsbington, I)QJ; 20515

April I, 2009

The Honorable David Obey, Chairman The Honorable Jerry Lewis, Ranking Member
Committee on Appropriations Committee on Appropriations
H-218, The Capitol 1016 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Chairman Obey and Ranking Member Lewis,

I am requesting funding in the FYIO Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Bill, for the
MONTS-Juvenile Justice System in Montana. The entity to receive funding for this project is the
Montana Youth and District Court Services Bureau of 301 South Park Avenue, Suite 328,
Helena Montana 59601. It is my understanding that the funding would be used to assist in
decreasing the recidivism rate among Montana youths in the Juvenile Justice System and
increase the capabilities of the probation and parole officers to successfully divert youth from
incarceration. It will help keep these same youth in the education system and improve their
chances to successfully complete a rehabilitation program.

I hereby certify that this request will be made publicly available on my Official Website as
required by Chairman Obey's new Committee policy that only posted requests will be

Consistent with the Republican Leadership's policy on earmarks, I hereby certify that to the best
of my knowledge this request: (I) is not directed to an entity or program that will be named after
a sitting Member of Congress [OR: was named after Representative John Doe in 1983J; (2) is
not intended to be used by an entity to secure funds for other entities unless the use of funding is
consistent with the specified purpose of the earmark; and (3) meets or exceeds all statutory
requirements for matching funds where applicable. I further certify that should this request be
included in the bill, I will place a statement in the Congressional Record describing how the
funds will be spent and justifying the use of federal taxpayer funds.


Member of Congress



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