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March 3 1. 2009

The Honorable David R. Obey, Chair

The Honorable Jerry Lewis, Ranking Member
Committe!;: on Appropriations
11218, The Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Chair Obey and Ranking Mlember Lewis:

I am requesting funding for the Prescription for Saving Oregon Teen Lives program in
fiscal year 20 I O. The entity to rec.eive funding for this project is the Oregon PaJ1nership,
located at 6443 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Highway, Portland, Oregon 97221. It is my
understanding that funding would be used to address the escalating occurrence of
prescription drug abuse among Oregonians through !l statewide public education
campaign. J certify that neither I nor my spollse has any financial interest in thi s project

This request will be made publically available on my Oflicial Website as required by

Chairman Obey·s new Committcl;! policy Ihat only posted requests will be considered.

Consistent with the Republican Leadership's policy on earmarks, to the best ormy
knowledge this request (1) is not directed to an entity o r program that will be named after
a silling Member of Congress: and (2) is not intended to be used by an entity to secure
funds for other entities unless the use of fu ndi ng is consistent with the specified purpose
of the eannark. Should funding be provided to lhjs emity, I will ask them to certify the ir
intent to comply with all statutory obl igations. Should this request be included in the bill.
I will place a stalem.:nt in the Congressiona l Record describing the entity' S plan for how
the money will be spent and thcir justification for the usc of federal taxpayer funds .

Sincerel y,

Greg Walden
Member of Congress

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