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(/Congress of tbe Wnitell ~tates

;!;louse of l\epresentatibes
Apri l 1,2009

The Honorab le David Obey The Honorable Jerry Lewis

Chainnan Ranking Member
Committee on Appropriations Committee on Appropriations
H-2 18, The Capilo1 H-21 8, The Capilo1
Washinglon, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 205 15

Dear Chainnan Obey and Ranking Member Lewis,

I am requesting fu nding for the Yakima County Integrated Public Safety System in the
FYIO Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations hill. The entity to recei ve funding
for this project is the City of Yakima, located at 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, WA
9890 I. It is my understanding that the funding would be used to conti nue development
ofa system that allows all the publi c sa fet y agencies in Yakima County to integrate their
data communications and records systems. I certify that neither I nor my spouse has any
financial interest in this project.

I hereby certify that this request will be made publ icl y available on my Official Websi te
as required by Chainnan Obey's new Committee policy that only posted requests will be

Consistent with the Repub lican Leadership's po li cy on eannarks, I hereby certify that to
the best of my knowledge this request: ( I) is not directed to an entity or program that wi ll
be named after a sitting Member of Congress (2) is not intended to be used by an entity to
secure fund s for other entities unless the use of funding is consistent with the specified
purpose of the eamlark; and (3) meets or exceeds all statutory requirements for matching
funds where appli cab le. I further certify that should this request be included in the bill, I
will place a statement in the Congressional Record describing how the fund s wi ll be
spent and justifying the use of federal taxpayer funds.

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