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March 31. 2009

The Honorable David R. Obey, C hair

111e Iiollorabl e Jerry Lewis, Ranking Member
Comm ittee on Appropriati ons
H2IS , The Cap itol
Washj ngton. D,C. 20515

Dear Chair Obey and Ranking Member Lewis:

I am requesting fu nding for Disease Reduction in Klamath River Salmon in fiscal year
2010, The entily 10 receive funding for thi s project is Orego n State University. located at
138 Stand Hall. Corva llis, Oregon 97331. It is my understanding that fimding would be
used [or research management actions to reduce disease in salmon in the Klamath Ri ver.
I certify Ihat neither I nOr my spo use has any financial interest in thi s project.

This request will be made public-ally availab le on my Offical Website as required by

Chai rman Obey' s new Co mmit1ee policy that on ly posted requests will be considered.

Consistent wi th the Republi can Leadership' s polky on earmarks, to the best of my

knowledge thi s request t I) is not directed to an entity or program that wi l( be named after
a siuing Member of Congress; and (2) is not intended to be used by an entity to sec ure
fund s for other entities unless the use of funding is consistent with the spec ified purpose
of the earmark. Should funding be provided (0 this entity. I will ask them to certify their
intent to compl y with all statutory obligations. Should thi s request be included in the bill.
r will place a statement in the Congressiona l Record describing the entity's plan for how
the money will be spent and their justification for the use of federal taxpayer funds .


Greg Walden
Member of Congress

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