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I[ongrcss of the "ltlnitl'd ~tatl'S

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April 3, 2009

The Ho norable David Obey, Chairman

Committee on Appropriat ions
!-I-2 IS , The Capito l
Washington, D.C. 20515

The Honorable Jerry Lewis, Rank ing Member

Committee on Appropri ations
H-2IS , The Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Cha irman Obey and Ranki ng Member lew is,

I am requesting funding in the FY20 10 Su bcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and

Related Agencies Appropriat ions bill , Department of Just ice, COPS Meth account for the Polk
Co unty Sheriffs Office. -n1e entity to received funding for thi s project is the Po lk County
Sheri ffs Office located at 455 North Broad way Avenue, Bartow, FL 33830. It is my
understand ing that the funding would be used to assist Pol k County ' s methamphetamine
prevent ion and mitigation program. I certify that this projec t does not have a d irect and
fo reseeable effect on the pecuniary interests of my spouse or me.

I hereby cert ify th at th is request will be made publicly available on my Official Websi te. as
requ ired by Chairman Obey ' s new Committee policy that only posted requests will be

Consistent with the Republican leadershi p' s po licy on earm arks, I hereby certify that to the best
of my knowledge this request: (1) is not directed to an entity or program that will be named after
a sitting Member of Congress; (2) is not intended to be used by an entity 10 sec ure fund s for
other en ti ties unless the use of funding is co nsistence with the specified purpose of the eannark;
and (3) meets or exceeds all statutory requirements for matching funds where appl icable. r
furthe r certify that should thi s request be included in the bill , r wi ll place a statemenl in the
Congressional Record describ ing how the funds will be spent and j ustify ing the use of federa l
taxpayer fu nd s.

S incerely,

Member of Congress

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