Earmark Request

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2ND DISTRICT, NEVADA 202-225-6155

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April 3, 2009

The Honorable David Obey, Chainnan The Honorable Jerry Lewis, Ranking Member
House Appropriations Committee House Appropriations Committee
H-218, The Capitol 1016 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chainnan Obey and Ranking Member Lewis,

I am respectfully requesting funding in the FYI 0 Commerce, Justice, and Science

Appropriations bill, COPS Law Enforcement Technology account for Washoe County
Patrol Vehicle Safety Systems. The entity to receive funding for this project is the
Washoe County Sheriffs Office, 911 Parr Boulevard, Reno, NY, 89512. It is my
understanding that the funding would be used for the installation of in-car video systems
in Washoe County Sheriff vehicles. 1 certify that this project does not have a direct and
foreseeable effect on the pecuniary interests of me or my spouse. I hereby certify that this
request will be made publicly available on my Official Website as required by Chainnan
Obey's new Committee policy that only posted requests will be considered.

Consistent with the Republican Leadership'S policy on eannarks, I hereby certify

that to the best of my knowledge this request (1) is not directed to an entity or program
that will be named after a sitting Member of Congress; (2) is not intended to be used by
an entity to secure funds for other entities unless the use of funding is consistent with the
specified purpose of the eannark; and (3) meets or exceeds all statutory requirements for
matching funds where applicable. I further certify that should this request be included in
the bill, I will place a statement in the Congressional Record describing how the funds
will be spent and justifying the use of federal taxpayer funds.

Thank you for your consideration ofthis request, and please feel free to contact
me if you have any questions or concerns.

Member of Congress


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