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1. Nutritional status : Normoweight 2. Visions : OD : 6/6 OS : 6/6, no colour blindness 3. Physical examinations: Normal 4.

Mouth's hygien : three teeth are radix, six teeth are missing, three teeth are decay, calculus grade 3 5. Audiometry test : Normal hearing 6. Radiology test: Normal 7. Laboratory test: Normal 8. ECG test : Sinus normal 9. Spirometry test : Normal 10. Treadmill test : Negative ischemic response 11. USG test : Normal

Consult to opthalmologist for further eye examination and eyeglass prescription. Consult to dentist for treatment Consult to internist for further eye examination and treatment Consult to ENT Spesialist for clean the ear wax on a regular basis Repeat medical check up every year Exercise regularly minimal 4x/week Recommended exercise: jogging 4.4 km/30minutes or cycling 10km/30minutes Evaluation and control of Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factor Repeat treadmill test annually Diet low in calorie (carbo and fat) Consult to nutritionist for further weight reduction programme Perform lifestyle modifications to control cholesterol, fasting blood glucose increased Healthy and balanced diet a.Increase the consumption of eating vegetables, fresh fruit and fiber b. Limiting the consumption of foods high in fat and carbohydrates

c. Sweeteners, Fructose is not recommended for use d. What to avoid: refined sugar (granulated sugar and brown sugar), sweets, lunkhead, tarts, syrup, soft drinks and ice cream e.Limiting your intake of salt, not more than 100mmol/hari (2.4gram Na or 6 grams Nacl)

1. Consult to dentist for treatment 2. Decrease abdominal circumference for reduce Cardiac disease risk factor 3. Consult to company's doctor for control and evaluation laboratory result 4. Diet low cholesterol and sugar 5. Consult to ENT specialist for clean wax on both ears 6. Stop smoking 7. Exercise (walking, swimming) regularly minimal 3 times/week 8. Repeat medical check up every year


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