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April 01, 2009

The Honorable David R, Obey, Chairman

The Honorable Jerry Lewis, Ranking Member
Committee on Appropriations
H-218, The Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Chairman Obey and Ranking Member Lewis:

I am requesting funding for Oakland County Courts Law Enforcement Management Information
System in fiscal year 2010.

The entity to receive funding for this project is:

Oakland County Sheriff's Office
1201 N. Telegraph Road
Pontiac, MI 48341

The funding would be used for enhancement of a biometic identification project to benefit a
consortium of 1055 law enforcement agencies across nine Counties in Southeastern
Michigan. This would fund an upgrade of the existing palm print system, streamline the
LivelD application delivery method to over 3,500 patrol vehicles using the software in the
field, and purchase 62 portable devices to provide an "on the street" means of suspect
identification through biometric means. This should identify and allow the arrest of more
criminals, increasing public safety and law enforcement efficiency across Southeastern

I certify that neither I nor my spouse has any financial interest in this project

M€l!TI!)er of Congress

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