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F = FEATURES. What are the main features of your product and what is it designed to do?- What is it?

A = ADVANTAGES. What will the product do to solve the prospects problems?- What does it do
B = BENEFITS. How will your product help people gain or avoid problems in the future?- What is in it for the customer?

For example: Features what products have (e.g. stainless steel part) Advantages what features do (e.g. lasts longer) Benebreakdowns and lower repair bills) fits what those features and advantages mean (e.g. fewer breakdowns, lower repair bills etc)

FAB analysis for Pepsi Atom

Feature Sharp,fizzier taste Rs 10 for a 200 ml returnable glass bottle Advantage Strong tasting cola On-premise consumption Benefit Choice Consumer can quickly have the drink and move on.

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