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To speak about education,for first we need to undertstand its meaning. Education is an important human activity.

It was born with the birth of the human race and shall continue to function as long as the human race lives. Succes in life is something that depends on many different little things and education plays a vital role among them.Education is not learning something by heart and reproducing it in exam to get marks or grade.It is far beyond this concept;the real education is something that let us to know our inner selves.It makes you enable to make your own and right decision and using the knowledge you have gained in your education in your real life and making the most of it.Education gives us skills that we need to have a succesful life and enable us to run our endeavors more efficiently. A good education provides better job opportunities,the requisite skill set to succed,and access to the vast store of human knowledge, In conclusion i can say that education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world,but in general everything depends on us,on our self-confedence,on our dedication and our desire to change something in this world.

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