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30th September 2013 Dear Parents and Carers Year 11 Parents Consultation Meeting Tuesday 22nd October 2013

3 I would like to invite you to attend the Year 11 Parents Consultation on Tuesday 22nd October 2013. This will be the last Parents Consultation for Year 11 before the GCSE exams and it would be very beneficial for you to meet with your childs teachers to understand what they need to work on and what support is needed from yourselves to ensure that they reach their full potential. The Parents Consultation meeting with teachers will be divided into three one -hour sessions, one of which we ask you to attend. Please rank in order of preference on the three-hour time slot table below and return to Ms Skinns in the Learning Support Office by Tuesday 15th October 2013. You will receive a confirmation letter via your son/daughter after this date with your allocated timeslot. We cannot guarantee a place for you if you do not send your reply slip back to the school. On arrival at the school, you will be given a name card with the number of your allocated table. During the session the teachers will come and talk to you. You should expect that typically between 5 and 7 of your son or daughters teachers w ill speak to you during the hour. If you had hoped to discuss a particular subject and the teacher was unavailable on the evening, you should leave your details before you go and you will be contacted by telephone within 2 weeks. Your son or daughter is also welcome to attend. It is very important that you attend this consultation but if this is not possible, please contact your son/daughters Form Tutor to arrange an alternative meeting. We look forward to seeing you. Yours faithfully

Ms K Humberstone Head of Year 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To be returned to Ms Skinns, Learning Support Office by TUESDAY 15th OCTOBER 2013 Pupils Name: ......................................................................... Form: ....................

I / we will / will not attend the Year 11 Parents Consultation Meeting. (Delete as appropriate) 3.30 4.30pm 4.30 5.30pm 5.30 6.30pm Please rank in order of preference 1, 2, 3.

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