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The Causes, Impact, and Aftermath of World War I Study Guide and Webquest Essential Questions: What caused

the world to go to war in the 20th century? How did the Allies win the Great War? What factors influenced the peace treaties that ended World War I? Book Questions That You Should Be Able to Answer:
Page number 455 390 395 432 458 459 1-3 Comparing Viewpoints 1-3 Infographic Chart Skills Checkpoint questions Questions Page number CH. 14 Section 2 471 473 CH. 14 Section 4 476 486-487 Questions All checkpoint questions 2, 3, 5 Checkpoint question All Checkpoint questions Political Cartoons 1-5, 7-11, 15-17, Pg 487 1-3

Webquest: Go to: Click on Europe in 1914 1. When the Great War began, how old was the country of Germany? __________________________ 2. Complete the following flow chart.
A Serbian nationalist assassinates Franz Ferdinand (June 1914) Austria goes to war with Serbia (July 1914) Austria goes to war with __________ Russia goes to war with ________ Germany goes to war with ________________ and ____________________

(Serbias Ally)

(Austrias Ally)

Play the animation to watch Europe go to war in 1914. Click on The Outbreak of War 3. What was the goal of the Schlieffen Plan?

4. What country did Germany have to invade to reach France? _______________________________ 5. How many men did France lose in one day of fighting Germany? What did they learn about their loss?

6. When did the stalemate begin? Describe the stalemate.

Play the animation

Click on The Western Front in 1918 7. Describe the Western Front in 1918.

Play the animation Go to: 8. How many people died during World War I? _______________________ 9. Which country surrendered and when? ________________________________________________________ 10. Which officially ended World War I? ______________________________________ 11. The U.S. did not sign the treaty that ended WWI. Why? (remember your voice!)

12. Describe the Treaty of Versailles.

13. Do additional research about the Treaty of Versailles. Then, answer the following question: Did the Treaty of Versailles cause a second world war? Why or why not?

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