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Greens 3rd Grade Class

Spelling words


Monday: * Spelling: Review Spelling words * Read for 30 minutes and record it on your reading sheet (parent signature) Tuesday: *Science: Complete worksheet about the life cycle *Spelling: Write spelling words 5 times each Wednesday: *Math: Do addition and subtraction work sheet * Social Studies: Read pages 1626 on the Civil War Thursday: *Spelling: Pick 5 spellings words, and write a sentence for each.

1. Start 2. Puddle 3. Secret 4. Cents 5. Nurse 6. Myself 7. Mother 8. Hoping 9. Kept 10.Hole

Contact Information Email: Phone: (864)547-8822 (Class) (864)234-1355 Classroom Hours: 7:00am -7:30am 3:00pm-5:00pm

September 23-27 Lunch Monday: Chicken Rings w/ potato wedges. Chicken Soap w/ cornbread. Tuesday: Hotdogs w/ applesauce. Baked chicken w/ rice. Wednesday: Turkey Subs w/ chips. Spaghetti w/ corn. Thursday: Cheeseburgers w/ tater tots. Taco salad Friday: Pizza w/ corn. Related Arts Schedule

Monday: Art Tuesday: Music Wednesday: Computer Technology Thursday: Classroom Activities Friday: P.E

Remember !! Get your reading sheet signed Read for 30 mins each day Study Spelling Words

Classroom Needs: Dry Erase Makers Hand Soap *If anyone can help out, it will be greatly appreciated

Upcoming Events
September 25: Open House/ Parent teacher Conference September 30: PTA/PTO Meeting October 23: Fall Festival

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