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Education Champion: Jorge Ruiz-Hernandez | GE CMS

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Education Champion: Jorge Ruiz-Hernandez


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Submitted by Monocello, Jenna on Fri, 06/28/2013 - 14:23 Saved as: Published Date: 06/28/2013 Author Information: Monocello, Jenna (210078427) Employees To Receive Feedback: 210078427 Story Summary: Jorge Ruiz-Hernandez is recognized by Junior Achievement of Erie County for his dedication to educating young students. Body:

When GE Transportation Operations Management Leadership Program Associate Jorge RuizHernandez started volunteering with Junior Achievement, he was not nervous about the experience or anxious to start teaching. Rather, he was excited to talk to students about a topic that he is passionate aboutmechanical engineering. After his first time teaching, he noticed that he needed something exciting to capture the attention of his young audience, so he began demonstrating experiments that he learned online and from other engineering groups. Having never worked with kindergarten students before, Jorge was amazed at their level of intelligence. I do not believe I was that smart at such a young age, Jorge laughs. To Jorge, the most rewarding part about educating young students is the promise they show. He is excited to see what the next generation of students sitting at our GE desks will be like. Jorges volunteerism and dedication to helping students was recognized recently at the 8th Annual Celebration of Success held by Junior Achievement (JA) of Erie County. He was one of two GE Corporation Open SC Case recipients of the Education Champions award, which recognizes individuals who go above and beyond to personally promote and deliver programs to students.


Education Champion: Jorge Ruiz-Hernandez | GE CMS

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The Celebration of Success allows Junior Achievement to recognize those who support and further the organizations mission. Along with Jorges accomplishment, GE Transportation was presented with two certificates at the event: 2013 Education Leadership Corporate Awardees and 2013 Certificate of Appreciation. The GE Foundation was awarded the 2013 Corporate Leadership Circle- Silver Level certificate for its $15,000 Grant provided during the 2012-2013 school year to be used for the Erie Junior Achievement programs. GE Transportation has made a large impact on JA and the students in the 2012-2013 school year, contributing 44 of the 73 total volunteers. Additionally, 43% of our Volunteers are members of GEs Affinity Groups. As Co-Chair for the community service committee of the Hispanic Forum, Jorge not only volunteers in the classroom, but also promotes JA events among members of the forum and other diversity groups to gain involvement in the cause. Jorges interest in educating students began in college when he developed a program to talk to schools about mechanical engineering. He realized that many children have big dreams, but do not feel they have the resources to accomplish these dreams. Education, Jorge states, is the key to helping these students fulfill their goals. With education, there are unlimited resources, he explains. Since his college start, Jorge has found a passion in offering a little bit of himself to a lot of kids in hopes that they will someday give back to society. Congratulations to Jorge, and thanks to all JA volunteers! -: Type: Spotlight Keyword for search: Jorge Ruiz-Hernandez Junior Achievement Celebration of Success Select Sites Targeting: Business News - Industry focus group Business: GE Transportation Function: Select All Location: Select All Category: Citizenship GE Corporation Diversity Our People

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Education Champion: Jorge Ruiz-Hernandez | GE CMS

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Story Type: Full Story Select if only a full view will be generated: Publishing Date (EDT): Friday, June 28, 2013 - 14:15 Distribution List N/A Url Type N/A Doc Type N/A Promo Link N/A

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