Grade 7 - September 2013 - A Test 2

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A test, grade 7, September 2013, group

1. Translate: scissors rubber timetable science P.E. in the country at the coast fashion meanwhile bridge desk dictionary

d) holiday on this Where you summer were? e) weather was like What the?

2. Translate. a) Susan ne pije kafu, ali je sino popila jednu olju. b) Mi ne igramo ah, ali smo prole sedmice igrali. c) On esto kupuje igrake. d) On je kupio igraku prije tri dana. e) Ne volim historiju. f) Nisam voljela historiju.

3. Put in order. a) I maths computers am in and interested. b) are about My books history favourite. c) bag Whose black that is?

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