Eng 102SC OutlineDefinition ApplestoApples Day2 PDF

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Outlining Apples to Apples Day 2

Name three criteria for sports
What must be present for something to be a sport?

Give an example of something that meets all of the criteria. Give an example of something that does not meet all of the criteria.

Definition Essay
Purpose is to argue that chosen criteria must be present for item to exist Examples and sources provide support for the argument

Option 1
I. Introduction A. Opening statement B. Background information C. Thesis

II. Body A. Criteria 1. example 2. source 3. rebuttal to possible disagreement B. Criteria 1. example 2. source 3. rebuttal to possible disagreement C. Criteria 1. example 2. source 3. rebuttal to possible disagreement

III. Conclusion A. Summarize points B. reiterate thesis C. memorable point

Option 2
I. Introduction A. Opening statement B. Background information C. Thesis

II. Body A. criteria 1. example 2. source B. criteria 1. example 2. source C. criteria 1. example 2. source D. rebuttal to possible disagreement 1. 2.

III. Conclusion A. Summarize points B. reiterate thesis C. memorable point

For Wednesday
Review Hacker Active/Passive Verbs & Apostrophes

Fridaydefinition essay rough draft

Upcoming due dates Definition rough drafts due Friday 10/4 Midterm is Friday 10/11
Portfolio #1 due Monday 10/14 Definition arguments due Wednesday 10/16

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