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To The Head of Department School of Sciences Noida International University Uttar Pradesh

Sub: Leave Request

Sir, The following lists of students will be going back to the country from 19th May, 2013 for the break. We are grateful that our exam was made as per our convenient. We might join college bit late in next semester by 2nd or 3rd September, 2013. This is because we couldnt reserve train ticket before 1st September. Further we have some official work back at our country. Thus we might be late for the filling up the next session form. We would like request that we will be doing all the necessary works upon our joining back to the college. We would be very grateful if sir could consider our request.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely Students Master in Environmental Science Tshering Lham. Nima Dema. .. Jamyang Drukda Tshering Tobgay Master in Mathematics Sonam Wangdi. Chhimi Dhendup. . Yeshi Gyeltshen. Jigme Dorji. Tsheltrim Lhendup Master in Physics Ugyen Lhamo. .. Sangay Yuden. ..

M.Sc in Environmental Science Name of Student 1 2 3 4 JAMYANG DRUKDA TSHERING TOBGAY NIMA DEMA TSHERING LHAM Fathers Name LEKI SAMDRUP LATE JIGME TASHI DHENDUP RINZIN PRF No. 5638 5637 5635 5639 Examination Roll no SS/ME/12/001 SS/ME/12/004 SS/ME/12/002 SS/ME/12/003

M.Sc in Mathematics Name of Student 1 2 3 4 5 SONAM WANGDI JIGME DORJI TSHELTRIM LHENDUP CHHIMI DHENDUP YESHI GYELTSHEN Fathers Name KHOTSHA JAMTSHO TSHOCHIK JAMBAY LATE TSHERING PRF No. 5633 5640 5630 5631 5634 Examination Roll no SS/MS-M/12/004 SS/MS-M/12/003 SS/MS-M/12/005 SS/MS-M/12/001 SS/MS-M/12/006

M.Sc in Physics Name of Student 1 2 SANGAY YUDEN UGYEN LHAMO Fathers Name DORJI RINCHEN BARMA DUKPA PRF No. 5632 5636 Examination Roll no SS/MS-PH/12/001 SS/MS-PH/12/002

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