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Service Schedule

Temple Emanu-El
News Bulletin
Ira L. Korinow, D.D., Rabbi Nancy J. LaFleur, Temple Administrator
Mindy Harris, Cantorial Soloist Debra Levasseur, Religious School Director
Affliated with the Union for Reform
Judaism & the Synagogue Council of
Massachusetts. A benefciary of the
Merrimack Valley Jewish Federation.

Love your neighbor as yourself.
Leviticus 19:18
Vol. LXXI No. 10 Tishrei - Cheshvan 5774 vu )un - u October 2013
Rabbi's Message
Friday, october 4
Candle Lighting 6:02 PM
Welcome New Members Service 6:00 PM
Followed by a Share-a-Shabbat Dinner
Saturday, october 5 parashat noach
Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 AM
Shabbat Shiur 12 NOON
Mincha Service 4:30 PM
Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Tabenkin
Son of Lea & Boris Tabenkin
Friday, october 11
Candle Lighting 5:50 PM
Saturday, october 12 parashat lech-lecha
Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 AM
Bar Mitzvah of Seth Helman
Son of Richelle & Brian Helman
Shabbat Shiur 12 NOON
Friday, october 18
Candle Lighting 5:39 PM
Tot Shabbat 6:00 PM
Saturday, october 19 parashat vayera
Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 AM
Bat Mitzvah of Rachel Smith
Daughter of Stacey Karlin & Michael Smith
Shabbat Shiur 12 NOON
Friday, october 25
Candle Lighting 5:28 PM
Saturday, october 26 parashat chayei Sara
Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 AM
Shabbat Shiur 12 NOON
Friday, november 1
Candle Lighting 5:19 PM
Shabbat in Less than an Hour 7:00 PM
Saturday, november 2 parashat Toldot
Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 AM
Israel Chavurah 12 NOON
Dear Friends,
I am writing this message shortly after
Yom Kippur on which, as on Rosh
Hashanah, most of our community
converges in the sanctuary for what I
always hope will be a time of spiritual
fulfllment and human growth. I know
the High Holy Days are for me.
With the High Holy Days behind us now,
I want to reect on a couple of things;
that is I want to think out loud.
First, each year after the Holy Days I wonder how many of us,
and I include myself, take that which we learn about ourselves
and what we learn about life from the services and actually apply
it to our own every day lives. While reading the liturgy, we might
be saying, I do have to do this, or I do have to change in that
way. But when we return to the daily, hectic routines of our lives,
are those thoughts relegated to the back burner? While listen-
ing to the words of the Al Chet prayer in which we confess to
not observing Shabbat, or the other holidays which are just as
important as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, do you tell yourself
that you are going to change this year and begin to attend temple
more often? And then the following year you confess to not keep-
ing that resolution.
Second, are we not moved by words of the U-ntaneh Tokef, Who
shall live and who shall die; who in the fullness of years and who
before... while uttering them only to forget the importance of
making each day really special (as if it were your last) once Yom
Kippur has ended?
Third, when we sit among a congregation of hundreds, do we not
feel good to be a part of a really special community? What hap-
pens to those feelings once you get into your car?
I ask these questions because the answers should be apparent.
We should and indeed we can take what we have learned about
ourselves and about life and let these insights guide us throughout
the year. It is within our power to make each day special for our-
selves and also for our loved ones, our friends and our colleagues.
The good feeling of being part of a caring community need not
disappear after Yom Kippur. We have many, many opportunities to
be together during the year and to keep those good feelings alive.
Why not make the year 5774 a different year; a good year; a year
in which your Judaism does not go into hibernation. Ill look for-
ward to seeing you and to keeping those good feelings a part of
your life and a part of my life as well.
Rabbi Ira L. Korinow
Speedy RecoveRy
Margery Bendetson Marilyn Berlin
Norma Halpern Buddy Hartman
Howard Paul Esther Rosen
Mazal Tov
Marilyn Berlin, on the marriage of her grandson,
Michael Berlin to Angela Nason
Vivian Gordon, in honor of her grandson,
Brett Robert Paley graduating from Timberlane Regional
High School, Brett is now attending Bryant College
Richelle & Brian Helman, on the Bar Mitzvah
of their son, Seth
Bill & Patricia Herman, on the birth
of their twin grandsons, Jack & Sam Herman
Beth Soule & Larry Jacobs, on the Bar Mitzvah
of their son, David
Sue & Douglas Joslin, on the Bar Mitzvah
of their son, Noah
Claire & Jay Koffman, on the Bar Mitzvah
of their son, Zachary
Stacey Karlin & Michael Smith on the Bat Mitzvah
of their daughter, Rachel Smith
Carole Taut, on her daughter, Michelle Barry becoming
a registered nurse
Lea & Boris Tabenkin, on the Bar Mitzvah
of their son, Joshua
Shirley & Sam Yanku, on the birth
of their great-grandson, Matthew Jacob Weintraub
David Belsky on the death of his mother, Janice Belsky
Shelly Gladstein, on the death of her mother, Jane Field
Andrea Rosebach, on the death of her husband,
Tom Rosebach
We regret with sorrow the death of Margaret Shlossberg
Beth Shnidman, on the death of her father,
Richard Yacoubian
Deborah Zimon, on the death of her mother,
Marilyn Porter
oneg/KidduSh SponSoRS
September 7 Claire & Jay Koffman, in honor of their
son, Zachary becoming a Bar Mitzvah
September 21 Beth Jacobs & Larry Jacobs, in honor of
their son, David becoming a Bar Mitzvah
September 27 Jay Laveson & friends, in memory of his
wife, Patricia Whitman on her yahrzeit
If you would like to sponsor an Oneg or Kiddush,
please call or email the offce
Community News
Todah Rabah!
Many thanks to the following who helped make
our High Holy Day Services very special!
The young people becoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah between
this Rosh Hashanah and next Rosh Hashanah, who led
the beautiful Selichot Service by candlelight
Our Cantorial Soloist, Mindy Harris and
her Accompanist, David Collins
Our High Holy Day Reader, Phil Platcow
our Ba-al ToKeah (Shofar Blower)
Loren Goldstein on Selichot, Childrens Services, Rosh
Hashanah and at Neilah on Yom Kippur, and to several
others who brought their shofar to blow at the end of
Yom Kippur
childrens Services leaders
Debbi Levasseur, who coordinated the program and
those who led them: Sam Miller, Seth Helman, Alyssa
Helman and Hannah Jacobs
They were assisted by:
Rebecca Flieder, Noam Hantman, Ethan Gofstein,
Benjamin Shalek, Zachariah Shalek, Chloe Isabelle-
Alper, Noah Joslin, Nathan Tabenkin and Andrew Eisen
Harriet Peick who coordinated the Break-the-Fast and
to those who donated food and monetary donation
for the Break-the-Fast dinner
The high holy day greeters,
coordinated by paul Shalek:
David Belsky
Douglas Cannon
Nora Cannon
Larry Cowan
Amy Eisen
Rhoda Feldman
Rona Gofstein
Barry Hantman
Sue Hayden
Eric Jacobs
Karen Jacobs
Larry Jacobs
Jesse Kamien
Joshua Kobey
Jennifer Kobey
Jay Koffman
Kevin Miller
Eunice Miller
Sara Nahmias
Judd Nathan
Harriet Peick
Steven Robotnick
Paul Shalek
Vincent Van Der
Todah Rabah! Thank You to:
Eric Jacobs for purchasing the bagels and setting
up the Open House
Jay Koffman, Loren Goldstein, Judd Nathan &
Paul Shalek for building the Sukkah
Ed Eisen for installing the plumbing for our new
Keurig Coffee Maker in the Starensier Assembly
Stephanie Brooks, Sandra Kassin Deardorff, Janet
Kopel & Howie Zidel for their donation towards
the High Holy Day Accompanist
Dear Temple Emanu-El Family,
Weve all chosen to be part of
the Temple Emanu-El community.
So what does it mean to make
the choice to belong to a Jewish
community? I think it means that
we are looking for a place that is
welcoming, a place where we can
build intimate relationships, a place
where we are supportive of each
other, a place that addresses profound spiritual yearnings,
and a place where we can connect with Jewish tradition.
We are looking for a place to call home, a community.
I believe that Temple Emanu-El is that place. A commu-
nity is different than a congregation. A Congregation is a
place where people come together and where they congre-
gate, but a community is more than that. It is a network
of support and relationships. The more you take part, the
more you build those relationships and the more connect-
ed you feel. When we become part of the community, we
become part of something much larger than ourselves.
The Talmud states that For any person who works for the
needs of the community, it is as if that person is studying
Torah. By volunteering and become involved at Temple
Emanu-El, we are bringing Torah to life. By becoming
involved in and committed to a Jewish community, each
one of us makes Judaism come alive.
All of the programs and activities that we offer would not be
possible without our single most important resource: our
volunteers. Our volunteers are the backbone, and greatest
strength of this community. We rely on our volunteers and
committees in order to function theres no magic here.
Without our dedicated core of volunteers, we wouldnt
have someone handing us a prayer book at services, or
contacting new members; we wouldnt have Hamentashen
on Purim or a Purim Carnival, or a Break-the-Fast after Yom
Kippur. Volunteers helped create our website and Newslet-
ter every month; run our library; our Sisterhood gift Shop;
our Blood Drive; oversee our Religious School; create
social events and fundraising opportunities. We need help
in the following committees: Membership, PTO, Religious
School, Social, Fundraiser and Social Action.
As always, please feel free to contact me with any ques-
Best regards,
Lynn Dreyfuss Martin
President's Message
donations for accompanist
We are seeking donation(s) for this years High Holy
Day Accompanist. If you are able to donate any
amount, please call 978-373-3861 or email the
offce at
Do you like to sing?
Join the Temple Emanu-El Choir
All adults and teens over the age of 13
are invited to participate.
For more information, or to sign up, please contact:
Mindy Harris
310-663-0054 or
The choir participates in the High
Holy Day Services and other services
throughout the year.
The Rabbis Famous Class
Learn Hebrew
in Less Than a Week
is again teaming up with
Read Hebrew America
Monday Thursday
november 18-21 7:30 9:00pm
haSifriyah: The Jewish community library
Tuition is free. Success is guaranteed
or double your money back!
Participants are required only to
purchase the textbook which is $6
Please email Rabbi Korinow
to sign up:
or call (978) 373-3861
Welcome New Members
Eva Brodofsky
Scott & Andi Hannula
Wilson & Naomi Kapanga-Ndjibu
Jonathan & Erin Karas
With the Rabbi . . .
It has been announced by the NAACP Merrimack
Valley Branch that Rabbi Korinow will be a recipi-
ent of the Unsung Hero Award given by the
chapter at a special dinner on November 2, 2013.
Hefty is ready to start its best year ever! On October 5th, we are
going to kick off the year with a trip to Laser Quest in Danvers
from 5:45 to 9:45 pm. The cost is $15.00 for members and in-
cludes 2 games of laser tag, snacks and drinks. We did this event
a few years ago and had a great turnout.
Our next event, on November 2nd, is Shear Madness, a whodunit
comedy stage show held in Boston. The greatly subsidized cost
will be $25.00 plus dinner money. Pick up and drop off will be
at the Temple from 6:00 to 11:45 pm. Shear Madness is quickly
becoming a yearly event and we like it that way.
In the wonderful world of NFTY, we have Levi Leap, an annual
NFTY dance that draws over 300 Jewish teens from all over the
New England region. Its a great opportunity to meet new people
and develop long term friendships. Levi leap will be held on Oc-
tober 26th and will cost $24.00. There are also two other regional
NFTY events called Conclavettes that are weekend retreats with
very large attendance. Regional NFTY events are a great way to
meet new Jewish friends from all over the area.
As for ongoing projects, keep your eyes open for the start of
Snack Shack and even a side fundraiser to beneft Syrian youths.
This year our Hefty Board is comprised of: Ben Shalek, President
and Nfty Representative; Zach Shalek and Seth Kary, Co-Heads
of Fundraising; Chloe Isabelle-Alper, Member Representative;
Rebecca Flieder, Membership and Communications; Lauren Na-
than, Programming and Nfty Representative; Hannah Jacobs,
Religious and Cultural Programming; Josh Scher, Social Action;
and Izzy Allen flling our new position of Vice President Emeritus.
If you want to join us for lots of Jewish fun and are in the 8th-12th
grade range, send me an email at and I
will get you all the needed information. This years Hefty group
has a huge amount of energy and enthusiasm; I can already tell
that this is going to be a stellar year.
Ben Shalek
Hefty President
Laser Quest
139 Endicott Street
Danvers, MA 01925
October 5th
5:45 9:45
Drop Off & Pick Up
At The Temple
15 members/$20 non-members
(price includes 2 games of laser
tag, snacks and drinks)
sandwich or sub for dinner
and extra money ($5-$10) for
playing arcade games
Laser Quest
139 Endicott Street
Danvers, MA 01925
October 5th
5:45 9:45
Drop Off & Pick Up
At The Temple
15 members/$20 non-members
(price includes 2 games of laser
tag, snacks and drinks)
sandwich or sub for dinner
and extra money ($5-$10) for
playing arcade games
Laser Quest
139 Endicott Street
Danvers, MA 01925
October 5th
5:45 9:45
Drop Off & Pick Up
At The Temple
15 members/$20 non-members
(price includes 2 games of laser
tag, snacks and drinks)
sandwich or sub for dinner
and extra money ($5-$10) for
playing arcade games
Laser Quest
139 Endicott Street
Danvers, MA 01925
October 5th
5:45 9:45
Drop Off & Pick Up
At The Temple
15 members/$20 non-members
(price includes 2 games of laser
tag, snacks and drinks)
sandwich or sub for dinner
and extra money ($5-$10) for
playing arcade games
Temple emanu-el in haverhill, Ma
J o i n u s o n :
Welcome New Members
Service 6:00pm
Followed by a
Share-a-Shabbat Dinner
Please join us as we
Welcome our New Members to
Temple Emanu-El
Friday, October 4, 2013
Let us know what you will bring from the following:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Main Dish (No meat or Chicken)
(To serve 10 -12 - vegetarian/dairy only)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vegetable Dish or Casserole
(To serve 10 -12 - vegetarian/dairy only)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(To serve 10 -12)
RSVP for the dinner by Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Please call or email the Temple O ce 978-373-3861 or
with your name, phone number and how many adults/children will be attending
Now that the major fall holidays
have passed we can get back to
a normal routine without too many
changes in our schedules. I would
like to thank our ever faithful mad-
richim who helped lead our chil-
drens services. Almost all of them
(We have over 20 this year in our
High School Program!) were here
to help for one service or another.
I would like to give a special thank you to Sam Miller
who once again led Rosh Hashanah services and Seth
Helman who ran the Yom Kippur service for Grades
3 -6, and Alyssa Helman and Hannah Jacobs for running
both the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services for
Grades Pre-K Grade 2.
I am happy to say we presently have 9 new children in
our religious school (there is always room for more!). If
your child has a new student in his/her classroom please
say hello and introduce yourself when you see their par-
ents and help us make them feel welcome. These chil-
dren range in age from 2 through high school age.
The Early Childhood wing is working out well with chil-
dren from TAPT through Grade 2 joining together for
music each Sunday morning. Children in Pre-K through
Grade 2 are also enjoying having their own special Sun-
day morning service in the Chapel with Mindy.
October is a busy month. We try to have feld trips while
the weather is still nice. Grades 3 and 4 will be going to
the Magic Brush in Tewksbury to paint ceramic chanukiot
and Grade 7 will paint Judaic themed Chanukah bowls.
Grades 5 & 6 will be going to the Vilna Shul in Boston
and at the end of the month Grade 7 will be going on an
educational feld trip sponsored by the Jewish Cemetery
Association of Massachusetts on Cemeteries Are For
The Living.
On October 9th our 7th graders will be taking the food we
have been collecting to Emmaus House, while there, they
will learn the role Emmaus House plays in the Haverhill
community. If you would like to donate non-perishable
food, please come by and drop it off in the baskets near
the 10th Avenue Brindis Entrance.
We are looking forward to our frst Tot Shabbat of the year
on Friday, October 18th at 6:00pm. Tot Shabbat consists
of a short Service in the chapel then we gather for a pot
luck dinner in the Starensier Assembly, followed by sto-
ries, songs and Judaic crafts. Its a wonderful way for the
whole family to celebrate Shabbat. If you are interested
or know someone who might want to participate, please
call the temple offce 978-373-3861.
Morah Devorah
Religious School
November 3, 2013 9 AM 2 PM
Three ways to register:
S Call the temple 978-373-3861
S Call 1-800-REDCROSS
S Visit
and register to give!
Bring a friend and help someone else! Youll
be glad you did. If youre unable to give
blood, call Jackie at 978-521-0903 to see
how you can still be able to help!
Thanks so much!
Temple emanu-el
Blood drive
We want you!
Do You Need a Ride to
a Temple event?
The chesed committee will be
happy to help arrange a ride for you.
If you need a ride, call the Temple
Offce at 978-373-3861.
Building an
edible Sukkah
How to Receive Help in
Your Time of Need
If you are in need of help, please call the following
Lotsa Helping Hands Coordinators:
Rabbi Ira Korinow 978-373-3861
Sharyn Russell 978-372-5777
Fred Feldman 603-580-5779
Rhoda Feldman 603-580-5779
Nancy LaFleur 978-373-3861
How to Join Lotsa Helping Hands
Go to the Temple Website:
1. Open the pull-down Community window and move
the cursor over Chesed and then slide the cursor to
How to Log into Lotsa Helping Hands Website and
2. On the new page scroll down and click on the two
3. You will enter the Temple Emanu-El Lotsa Helping
Hands secure website.
4. Click on Join This Community and fll out the short,
simple form (name; phone number; select & confrm
a password; and click on Send Email.
helping opportunities
Chesed Committee
The Chesed Committee has begun this new year in the
sweetest way by delivering plates bearing honey cakes,
honey sticks and apples, and beautiful challot from Emilys
Bakery (in Haverhill) to those members who can no longer
easily get to Temple. To the bakers, the packagers, the de-
liverers, who all provided something special to others, thank
you, thank you. Scott Pelley, a CBS news reporter, wrote re-
cently that to reach out and touch another person with com-
passion and respect... releases your spirit to soar. I can't
think of a better way to start off this new year than by soaring
with kindness.
Speaking of soaring, lotsahelpinghands (lhh) is doing so;
many of you have signed on as members and are checking
out the volunteer opportunities. If you need help with signing
on, it is available through any of the Administrators of LHH
(Fred Feldman, Rhoda Feldman, Rabbi Ira Korinow, Nancy
LaFleur, Sharyn Russell).
We will be starting a new Sunshine program, sending
birthday greetings to some of our Temple members. A vol-
unteer opportunity, no experience necessary, can be done
Israel Chavurah
The Discussion Continues
Saturday, November 2
at 12 noon
The Israel Chavurah meets once a month on Satur-
day as that weeks Shabbat Shiur (Bible Study Class).
Each session begins with a kiddush/luncheon fol-
lowing the Shabbat morning service. Join with
other members of the community to help develop
a better understanding of the issues concerning
Israel and the Middle East.
Save the following dates, too on Saturdays:
December 7, 2013 & January 11, 2014

at home, limited task, no meetings!! is needed to send out
this very small number of cards this year. Call me for more
We hope that we can get a nursing home visitation program
started this year; another way to soar into the new year. If
you have any interest in participating, call me!
Sharyn Russell, Chair
5. Once one of the Administrators (Nancy LaFleur,
Rabbi, Sharyn Russell, or Fred Feldman) validates
your membership, you will then be sent an email
asking you to log in and confrm your own password.
6. The frst time that you log in with your password, you
will be asked to take the Initial Registration Survey.
7. Please note: You are not obligating yourself to do
anything. The survey is meant only to help identify
needs and potential helpers. It will take only a minute
to complete.
8. Please use the Temple Website (as in numbers 1-3
above) and check back frequently for Calendar
events and messages for Community sharing oppor-
Sign up for an Activity
If you have joined Lotsa Helping Hands, please
check back often for Activity updates
From the Temple website:

Go to Community > Chesed > How to log into

Lotsa Helping Hands Website

Click on hands

Go to calendar

Pick the activity and click on one of the green boxes

Click on sign up now

Click on send e-mail at the bottom of that page

A confrmation email will be sent to you for the event
you signed up for and a reminder email will be sent
to you as the event gets near.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
10:00 am
The Time Keeper
by Mitch Albom
(rescheduled from September 29th)
Please call the Temple ofce at 978-373-3861
to RSVP so that we can know how many people to
expect, though drop-ins are always welcome!
Temple Emanu-El
BookNotes &
The Temple Emanu-El book group will meet on Novem-
ber 3rd to discuss The Time Keeper, by Mitch Albom, a
novel that explores notions of the meaning and value of
time through the story of the inventor of the worlds frst
clock, who is punished for trying to measure Gods great-
est gift.
Additional dates have been scheduled on the 2013-2014
calendar and a bookmark with these dates is available in
the library. Come join us for some lively discussions!
We continue to research and test options for a new cat-
aloging and circulation system for HaSifriyah. Please
watch this space for updates!
New acquisitions in HaSifriyah include:
The Book of Job, by Harold S. Kushner
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, by James Carroll
Jewish Jocks: An Unorthodox Hall of Fame, edited by
Franklin Foer and Marc Tracy
Thank you to everyone for continuing to support our
fundraising efforts through the Associates
Program. All funds are used to acquire books, maga-
zines, music, videos and supplies for the library. This is
a year-round program, so please keep the link handy (or
access it from the website
and tell your friends and family.
We look forward to seeing you in HaSifriyah this fall!
Paula Breger
Sisterhood Cooks Mitchs Place
and Community Meals
On August 26th, Temple members, Allan Kopel,
Janet Kopel, Edna & Mike Shirley, Carole Taut, Viv-
ian Gordon, Rena Roseman and Marilyn Goldberg
served Community Meals at the Citizens Center on
Welcome Street in Haverhill, MA.
Sisterhood members who cooked for Mitchs Place
in the month of July were:
Rita harris, Judy Kroner and amy Sherr
Thank you one and all for doing this wonderful
Sisterhood Gift Shop
new for this year! Sisterhood is now accepting major
credit cards during the Sisterhood Giftshop hours on
Sundays from 11am12pm when Religious School is
in session. All other times purchase payments must be
made by cash or check.
Were you confirmed
in the year 1950, 1968, 1972
or even last year?
Have YOU noticed that the Confrmation
pictures are no longer hanging along the 10th
Ave. hallway wall? We are currently seeking
donations of $54 per Confrmation picture to
have them properly framed and dated. Mem-
bers have already begun to have the year of
their childs Confrmation picture reframed.
If you wish to have your childs, grandchild
or your confrmation year picture reframed,
please call the offce.
Temple emanu-el in haverhill, Ma
J o i n u s o n :
Adult Education
Windows to the Future . . . is Back!
Thanks to a generous anonymous donation of $25,000, we are pleased to announce
the return of our Windows to the Future renovation project. A major part of this
campaign was to improve the aesthetics and function of the 10th Avenue entrance
and hallway.
Our punch list of building improvements will include:
o Repaint and clean up the exterior of the building on the 10th avenue entrance.
o Replace the six windows on the 10th avenue side of the building.
o Renovate the hallway from the 10th avenue entrance to the
library. This will include a new oor, new ceiling, new light xtures, covering the
exposed wires, covering the cinder block with sheetrock and installing oak baseboards
and handrails.
o Relocate the Holocaust Memorial and the family gift board to improve the circulation in the
Main Street lobby.
The estimated project cost for this work is $75,000. In order to complete all of the work, we need to raise an
additional $50,000. Please contact me at 978-372-1451 during the work day or 978-685-4535 at night if you
would like to make a gift to the campaign!
Thank you! Larry Cowan
Author Stuart Tower
Sunday, October 13, 2013 Starting at 9:30am
Author Stuart Tower will discuss his latest book Branko. Mr. Towers frst book, The Wayfarers was highly
acclaimed and a movie is in the process of being made.
As described on Amazon, Rarely will literature, history, an author and a novel fnd that perfect balance of
authenticity and entertainment that represents an enduring classic. Stuart Towers The Wayfarers is that
perfect balance.
But The Wayfarers is much more than just historical fction. It is a well-researched look back at the 20th
Century Jewish movement out of Europe. This is a slice of life so real that turning the pages is like being
Filmmaker Steven Spielberg has remarked on the book, In todays fast-paced, electronic society, plain old-
fashioned, captivating story-telling is rare. In The Wayfarers, Stuart Tower has done just that.
In his latest book, Branko, Author Tower continues the story. Witnessing the brutal massacre that takes his
family, six-year old Branko Horvitch survives and goes on to a childhood fraught with abusive relatives
and unspeakable Tsarist orphanages. But the story of Branko Horvitch is not one of despair and destruction; it is a celebration of
unyielding determination in the face of near-overwhelming challenges.
Spanning the globe, it is a story grounded in the reality of extensive research and oers insights into history not usually reported.
Tower is also the author of Withered Roots: The Remnants of Eastern European Jewry, a collection of interviews with aging Holocaust
survivors in Romania, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, the former Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. Tower currently
resides in Los Angeles, California and is visiting the Boston area to
discuss his latest book.
The program will begin at 10:00 am. As always, a breakfast will be
served at 9:30 and admission and breakfast are free of charge.
Although walk-ins are always welcome, we ask that you RSVP
(for food preparation) to Nancy at
or 978-373-3861.
Save the date
Sunday, November 17,
Global Day
of Jewish Learning
Trusts, Wills and Bequests
Have you given thought to making a gift to
the Temple? Have you considered adding
the Temple as a benefciary to your will?
If you are interested in discussing gift and
naming opportunities, please call
Larry Cowan at:
(978) 372-1451 (offce) or
(978) 685-4535 (home)
or speak directly with Rabbi Korinow
through the Temple offce.
Thank you!
Keeping YOU Posted on the
Membership Directory!
The directory can be found on the Temples
website page:
Members of the congregation
who opted to be listed in the
Directory did so in order to help
build a communication network
among our membership. There-
fore we ask members to be dis-
crete in the use of the information. It is not intended for
use by people who are not members of Temple Emanu-
El. It should not be distributed without the permission of
the Temple. Doing so would be considered a violation of
the trust among us.
In order for you to access the membership directory, a
password is required. Please call the Temple offce for
the current password.
What a wonderful way to begin the New Year! Seventy-fve people gathered in the Winer Auditorium after Neilah to share
a meal and good thoughts with our Temple family. Almost all of the food was eaten and some foods were consumed
before everyone had a chance to take a frst helping. It was an enjoyable event for all.
Thank you to those who contributed food and to those who contributed monetary donations. Kudos also goes to Don
Kumis and Craig LaFleur (a sous chef ) for setting up the Winer Auditorium and making the beautiful platters, as well as
the cookie and juice bar in the foyer.
At Temple Emanu-El we hope that all members, their families and friends were inscribed for a year flled with joy, health,
and success.
Harriet Peick
Break-the-Fast 2013 Coordinator
Have You Remembered Temple Emanu-El?
A bequest to Temple Emanu-El is an excellent way of
fulflling the mitzvah of securing a future for our com-
munity. When preparing your will or when making
changes, please remember the Temple. Your gift will
provide for you and your loved ones a lasting way of
supporting Jewish life in the greater Haverhill area.
For the sake of Jewish continuity,
remember Temple Emanu-El!
Hospital Visits
Rabbi Korinow visits the Merrimack Valley Hospital in
Haverhill weekly or as needed.
The Rabbi wants to visit any member who is in a hos-
pital. If you know that a member of Temple Emanu-El
is hospitalized in any hospital, please call the Rabbi
to let him know.
lou & iSaBelle apTeKeR Fund
Shirley Fox, in loving memory of her
husband, Dr. S. Frank Fox on his
WilliaM BendeTSon FaMily
Laura Bendetson, in honor of Bill
Sandler on his 100th birthday
RaBBiS diScReTionaRy Fund
An anonymous contribution
Laura Bendetson, on her honor on
Yom Kippur
Stephen Fleet, Shelly Fleet and their
families, in appreciation of the
Rabbis offciating at the unveiling
of the stone for their sister, Laurel
Marcelle Greenbaum, wishes for a
happy and healthy New Year to all
Janet Kopel, in appreciation of her
honor on Yom Kippur
Andrew Levine, in appreciation
Stephen Sall, with gratitude to the
Rabbi, Cantor, Reader and choir for
the fulflling High Holy Day Services
Hedva and David Shikes, in memory
of their parents, Rivka & Abraham
Rose and Selma & Melvin Shikes,
on their yahrzeits
Deborah Zimon, Ken Porter and
Carol Ulrich, in appreciation of the
Rabbis offciating at the funeral for
their mother, Marilyn Porter
aRThuR c. & BeRnice e. engel
FaMily Fund
Carole Taut, wishing a speedy
recovery to Marilyn Berlin
BeaTRice d. & haRRy M. FleeT
MeMoRial Fund
Shelley Fleet, in loving memory of her
sister, Laurel Fleet on her yahrzeit
SaMuel & Sophie FleeT Fund
Pamela Manzi Healy, in loving memory
of her grandfather, Samuel Fleet on
his yahrzeit and in loving memory
of her aunt, Beatrice D. Fleet on her
MaX & claRe gReenSTein
Joyce Cohen, in loving memory of
her father, Max Greenstein on his
caRl & anne goldBeRg Fund
Daniel Goldberg, in loving memory
of his father, Carl Goldberg on his
david & BeTTy-lou goRdon
FaMily Fund
David Gordon, in loving memory of his
sister, Ethel Lisker on her yahrzeit
louiS haRTMan FaMily Fund
Elaine Hartman, in loving memory of
her father, Harry Goldinger on his
Minnie & SoloMon JacoBSon
Elliot Jacobson, in loving memory of
his mother, Minnie Jacobson on her
JeWiSh conTinuiTy
Janet Kopel, in loving memory of her
mother, Mabel Kapp on her yahrzeit
Helen Orenstein, in loving memory
of her mother, Mabel Kapp on her
Amy & Michael Sherr, in honor of
Patricia & Bill Herman on the birth
of their twin grandsons, Jack &
Sam Herman
Stuart Mandell, in loving memory of H.
Louis Farmer, Jr., in loving memory
of Tom Rosebach, husband of
member, Andrea Rosebach and
in loving memory of Margaret
Bessie Grad, in appreciation of the
Chesed Committee preparing and
delivering Rosh Hashanah Goodies
Claire Blustein, in appreciation of the
Chesed Committee preparing and
delivering Rosh Hashanah Goodies
Nancy LaFleur, in honor of Richelle
& Brian Helman on their son, Seth
becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Irwin & Jane Rosenston, in loving
memory of Dorothy Borys
alMa & geoRge KlineTSKy
FaMily Fund
Alma Klinetsky, wishing a speedy
recovery to Esther Rosen, wishing
a speedy recovery to Norma
Halpern and in honor of Shirley &
Sam Yanku, on the birth of their
great-grandson, Matthew Jacob
Weintraub, in appreciation of
Rabbi Ira & Gail Korinow and in
appreciation of her High Holy Day
RaBBi iRa l. KoRinoW chaRiTy
Carole Taut, in appreciation of Rabbi
Ira Korinow for his sermons on the
High Holy Day Services
Ben & Mollie MeRShon Fund
Herb & Irma Mershon, in honor of their
granddaughter, Abby Goldberg
becoming a Bat Mitzvah and in
loving memory of her father, Morris
Lefkoff on his yahrzeit
heRMan MilhendleR
MeMoRial Fund
Lucille Traister, wishing a speedy
recovery to Norma Halpern
Sandy Channen, wishing a speedy
recovery to Norma Halpern
MuSic Fund
Carole Taut, in appreciation of Mindy
Harris for her singing during the
High Holy Day Services
Sharyn Russell, in appreciation of the
choir and accompanist during the
High Holy Day Services
paul FaMily Fund
Leona Paul, in loving memory of her
mother-in-law, Goldie Paul on her
aBRahaM & eSTheR RoSen
Shirley Holber, in loving memory of
her brother, William Rosen on his
yahrzeit and in loving memory of
her brother Hyman Rosen on his
Lynne Buchhalter, in loving memory
of her uncle, Hyman Rosen on her
JeRoMe & SelMa RoSengaRd
Howard Ross, in loving memory of
his mother & father, Susan & David
Rosengard both at yahrzeit
aBRahaM & eThel SchlaFMan
Shelley Fleet, in loving memory of
her mother, Beatrice Fleet on her
Melvin & MaRTin B. ShapiRo
Deborah & Fred Kraft, in loving memory
of memory of her mother, Lorraine
Shapiro on her yahrzeit
MoSeS ShyaviTz Fund
Pearl & Gerry Shyavitz, in loving
memory of H. Louis Farmer, Jr.,
in loving memory of his mother,
Madelyn Shyavitz on her yahrzeit, in
loving memory of his grandmother,
Lena Shyavitz on her yahrzeit and in
loving memory of his aunt, Shirley
Thrope on her yahrzeit
Regina & heRMan STolzBeRg
Philip Averback, in loving memory of
his father, David Averback on his
adeline B. WaTnicK ReligiouS
School childRenS Fund
Temple Emanu-El Religious School
Faculty and Staff, wishing a Speedy
Recovery to Barbra Forman Salladay
Debbi Levasseur, in loving memory of
Marilyn Porter, mother of member,
Deborah Zimon, in honor of Zach
Koffman becoming a Bar Mitzvah, in
honor of David Jacobs becoming a
Bar Mitzvah, in honor of Noah Joslin
becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Paul, Debbi, Andrea Levasseur & Avi
Lopez, in honor of Patricia & Bill
Herman on the birth of their twin
grandsons, Jack & Sam Herman
WindoWS To The FuTuRe
capiTal caMpaign
Gerda Kalman, wishing a speedy
recovery to Norma Halpern and
wishing a speedy recovery to Esther
Trudy, Mitch, Michael & Melanie Zakin,
in loving memory of Marilyn Porter,
mother of member Deborah Zimon
and in loving memory of Jane Field,
mother of member, Shelly Gladstein
Rita & Jonathan Harris, in honor of
Patricia & Bill Herman on the birth
of their twin grandsons, Jack & Sam
Carole Taut, in honor of her daughter,
Michelle Barry becoming a
registered nurse
Barbara & Joel Berg, in appreciation of
their High Holy Day Honor
Janet Kopel, wishing a speedy recovery
to Norma Halpern and in loving
memory of Tom Rosebach, husband
of member Andrea Rosebach
yahRzeiT Fund
Shirley & Samuel Yanku, in loving
memory of all our loved ones at
Marilyn Goldberg, in loving memory of
her mother, Esther Gerstein on her
Madalyn Winer, in loving memory of
her mother, Esther Jacobs on her
Merton Greenstein, in loving memory
of her mother, Bessie Greenstein on
her yahrzeit
Gloria Mezikofsky, in loving memory
of her father, David Liftman on his
Sherri Griffs, in loving memory of her
father, Abraham Weinberg on his
Vivian Gordon, in loving memory of her
sister, Shirley Schiff on her yahrzeit
Hilda Pollack, in loving memory of her
mother-in-law, Sara Bella Pollack on
her yahrzeit
Melvin Ash, in loving memory of his
father, Isadore Ash on his yahrzeit
Lois Jacobs, in loving memory of her
cousin, Alan Bennett on his yahrzeit
Linda Levine, in loving memory of her
father, Louis Mencis on his yahrzeit
Sherry Graham, in loving memory of
her father, Daniel H. Mehl on his
Susan Kane, in loving memory of her
grandmother, Goldie Kagan on her
Jay Cohen, in loving memory of his
mother, Eileen Triansky on her
Jerry Skaff, in loving memory of his
father, William Skaff on his yahrzeit
Wendy Boswell, in loving memory of
her father, Russell Gorevitz on his
Steven Cohen, in loving memory of
his father, Kaufman Cohen on his
Brenda Wineapple, in loving memory of
her grandmother, Fannie Silverman
on her yahrzeit
Michael Sherr, in loving memory of his
grandparents, Esther & Irving Sherr
both at yahrzeit and Eva & Harry
Strelitz both at yahrzeit
Gail Korinow, in loving memory of her
uncle, Stanley Green on his yahrzeit
and in loving memory of her aunt,
Ruth Kaplan on her yahrzeit
Natalie Falanga, in loving memory of
her brother, Samuel Fogel on his
Harvey & Marsha Katz, in loving
memory of his mother, Sara Katz on
her yahrzeit
Leona Paul, in loving memory of her
mother-in-law, Goldie Paul on her
Jane Rosenston, in loving memory of
her father, Bernard Fischer on his
Beatrice Mehl, in loving memory of
her father, Joseph Steckerl on his
Mr. & Mrs. Martin B. Epstein, in loving
memory of his father, Manuel M.
Epstein on his yahrzeit
Roberta Glazer, in loving memory of
her husband, Dr. David Glazer on his
Stephanie Brooks, in loving memory of
her husband, Martin Brooks on his
Merrill Mezikofsky, in loving memory of
his father, William Mezikofsky on his
The Jewish advocate is offering a FREE
6-month subscription to neW temple members.
Call 617-367-9100 ext. 120
all temple members can receive a free, ongoing
subscription to The Jewish Journal. Call 978-745-4111 x121
or email
october 4 & 5
1st of cheshvan
Louis Abel
Belle Averback
Robert Becker
Bella Bier
Harriet Breger
Evelyn Brindis
Romeo Brogna
Lawrence David Brooks
Mary B. Cohen
Jacob Cohen
Morris Epstein
Walter Espovich
Bertha Feinberg
Adele Fishbein
Fanny Forman
Bertha Fox
Esther Gerstein
Betty-Lou Gordon
Rose Gould
Isaac Greenberg
Bessie Greenstein
Millie Hartman
Samuel Hirshberg
David Kaplan
Jacob Karelis
Anna Kleven
Benny Kniznick
Morris Korman
Esther Basha Kramer
Samuel Krinsky
Ann F. Levine
Israel Margolis
Diane Merker
Jennie Mysel
Sybil Ornsteen
Aleksander Ostrovsky
Alan Porter
Edgar F. Riley
Jennie Ritter
Dr. Benjamin Russman
Isaac Sandler
Kazimir Serebrenik
Charlotte Shapiro
Sadie Sibulkin
Abraham Sohcot
Harold Taitsman
Irving Wineapple
october 12
8th of cheshvan
Mark Albertson
Hyman Ashkowitz
Harold M. Becker
Wendy Belinsky
Alexander Berman
Martin Brooks
Lester Cherny
Mary B. Cohen
Lena Cook
Meyer Finkelstein
Louis Friedman
Marion Goodman
Dorr Gordon
Marie Hartman
Hyman Heffron
James Kurland
Irving Lampert
Maree Leblang
Dora Levene
Betty Livingston
Bessie Oltman
Bennie Ravich
Newton Riess
Lena Shyavitz
Bennie Stolzberg
Joseph Triedman
Mauray Tye
Louis Waks
Max Wilner
Rachel Wilner
Samuel Wise
Jennie Wiseberg
october 19
15th of cheshvan
Bernard Adler
Joseph Alperin
Lawrence Bernheim
Jacob Brand
Dora Cohen
Nellie Cohen
Abraham Cohen
Marlin Cohen
June Feldman
Eugene Feldman
Mary Freedman
Annie Gilbert
David Glazer
Julius Greenberg
David Brian Hamovit
Isaac Hirshberg
Rabbi Abraham Jacobson
Ruth Kleven
Mildred Kniznick
Gertrude Levin
Max Maistrosky
William Mezikofsky
Samuel Ornsteen
Isadore David Pine
Robert Rakofsky
Albert Rosenfeld
Rachel Shapiro
Samuel Shapiro
Harry Smith
Morris Snyder
Shirley Thrope
Rose Viselman
Albert Zeltzer
Dora Zitren
october 26
22nd of cheshvan
Morris Bakerman
Belle Curtis
Bendett Dine
Rosalie June Engel
Manuel M. Epstein
Isadore Erbstein
Helen Espovich
Lillian Goldinger
Nathan Greenbaum
Robert Harnch
Jacob Koss
Thomas Kroner
Benjamin Leftin
Robert Livingston
Fredrick Myers
Norm Nathan
Dorothy A. Press
Susan Rosengard
David Rosengard
Gussie Rotenberg
Barney Segal
Lena Shapiro
Madelyn Shyavitz
Annie Slavitt
Anna Spiegel
Joseph Steckerl
Morris Trebach
Joseph Wekstein
Arthur Winer
november 1 & 2
29th of cheshvan
Louis Alter
Fannie Bacon
Harry Bailie
Beatrice Blake
Abraham Blustein
Samuel Bord
Louis Bord
Paul Samuel Brindis
Joan M. Brisson
Esther Brown
Florence Casten
Sylvia Delaney
Anna Fried
Charles Frischer
Frances Goldfled
Joshua Gordon
Ruth Kaplan
Roslyn Karelis
Ralph Robert Katz
Israel Kolsky
Frank Kupsov
Morris Leavitt
Herman Milhendler
Lena Pinchesky
Svetlana Polikova
Doris Ritter
Maurice Rotenberg
Dora Serkman
Isabelle Servetnick
Bessie Smith
Michael Warshawsky
Paul Wilner
The following names at yahrzeit will be read on Shabbat
Honor your Mother and your Father
The Torah tells us that we must always honor our parents. Our Jewish tradition extends that law to say that we
must honor all our loved ones, and remember them in death. There is no better way to remember and honor the
memory of your departed family members than to have a Memorial Yahrzeit Plaque on the wall of the Temple
You have seen the plaques on the wall of the sanctuary. Each week, the plaques belonging to our beloved
departed, whose Yahrzeit, or anniversary of death, is that week, are lighted. This is to recognize the anniversary
of that person, and to give us an opportunity to lovingly honor the memory of that person, at least once every
year. Also, three times per year, on Yizkor, all the plaques are lit to remember all the loved ones of our Temple.
The plaque contains the name of the deceased, both in English and Hebrew, as well as the date of the persons
death. The plaques are available whenever the sanctuary is open, so someone can always see the name and
remember the loving memories of the departed family member. This is a loving way to remember a parent, spouse
or child.
The cost of a memorial Yahrzeit plaque is a one-time cost of $250. This cost includes the engraving of the
plaque, placing it on the wall, in alphabetical order, and having it lit on Yahrzeit and Yizkor to perpetuity. To
purchase a plaque, contact Nancy or the Rabbi at the Temple, (978) 373-3861.
Join us for the brand-new Community,
post-Meah Shabbaton
November 15 & 16
at Hebrew College, Newton
Our Study Topic: What About God
with esteemed Meah faculty
Marc Brettler
Shaya Cohen
Deanna Klepper
Jacob Meskin
and a special Torah discussion with
Rabbi Daniel Lehmann
President of Hebrew College
Reverend Nick Carter
President of Andover-Newton Theological School
Saturday Evening Coffee House featuring
Shuli Nathan,
the voice of Yerushalayim Shel Zahav
Dont miss the great learning, food, ruach,
davening/worship and friendships!
For further details and registration, visit our website,
This community-wide, post-Meah Shabbat Retreat is jointly
sponsored by SCM, Hebrew College and CJPs
Commission on Jewish Life & Learning
Saturday, October 19
7:30 PM
Special Guest Speaker
David Makovsky
The Lanam Club
260 North Main Street (Route 28)
David Makovsky is the Ziegler distinguished
fellow and director of the Project on the
Middle East Peace Process at The Washington
Institute. He is also an adjunct professor in
Middle East studies at Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity. His commentary on the peace process
and the Arab-Israeli conflict has appeared in
the New York Times, Washington Post, Los
Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Interna-
tional Herald Tribune, and many other publi-
cations and television news shows.
For more information, call the Merrimack
Valley Jewish Federation
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Please patronize those who advertise in our bulletin

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We host a variety of special events here at the
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showers, bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings, anniversaries,
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Adrienne Flintoft 123 Old River Road
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Lindt Chocolate R.S.V.P.
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Haverhill, MA 01830
Members of the executive committee
Lynn Martin President 603-382-8771
David Belsky 1st V.P. 978-363-8846
Larry Jacobs 2nd V.P. 603-458-1884
Judd Nathan Secretary 603-362-6293
Larry Cowan Treasurer 978-685-4535
Kevin Miller Assistant Treasurer 603-893-5421
Loren Goldstein Past President 603-373-7494
Stuart Mandell Life President 978-372-3514
Temple committees
Adult Ed Rhoda/Fred Feldman 603-580-5779
Budget Larry Jacobs 603-458-1884
Brotherhood Jay Koffman 978-521-5148
Chesed Sharyn Russell 978-372-5777
Communications Director Fred Feldman 603-580-5779
Dues Larry Jacobs 603-458-1884
Fundraising TBD
HaSifriyah (Library) Paula Breger 978-363-8846
House Loren Goldstein 978-373-7494
Membership Outreach TBD
Religious Practice Kevin Miller 603-893-5421
Religious School Rita Harris 978-352-6842
Renovations Kevin Miller 603-893-5421
Security David Belsky 978-363-8846
Sisterhood TBD
Social TBD
Social Action TBD
Trusts/Wills/Bequests Larry Cowan 978-372-1451
Windows to the Future Larry Cowan 978-372-1451
Youth Trudy Zakin 978-475-8170
Members of the Board of directors
Jackie Berman 2014 978-521-0903
Larry Cann 2014 978-914-7710
Nora Cannon 2014 978-352-6334
Sandy Channen 2015 978-374-0813
Amy Eisen 2014 978-887-1240
Fred Feldman 2014 603-580-5779
Rhoda Feldman 2014 603-580-5779
Eric Jacobs 2016 603-329-4441
Jesse Kamien 2016 603-898-6630
Jay Koffman 2015 978-521-5148
Eunice Miller 2015 603-893-5421
Harriet Peick 2014 978-689-4517
Steven Robotnick 2014 978-688-5855
Barbra Forman Salladay 2014 603-329-5359
Paul Shalek 2014 603-382-5487
Vincent Van Der Linden 2015 978-609-8044
Pat Whitman (zl) 2015 603-362-4258
Maayan Winter 2015 978-645-1328
Doug Zimon 2015 603-382-5329
Temple administration
Rabbi Ira Korinow
Debbi Levasseur, Religious School Director
Nancy J. LaFleur, Temple Administrator
Mindy Harris, Cantorial Soloist
Kim Giannopoulous, Bookkeeper
Cheryl Hill, Religious School Admin. Assistant
Temple emanu-el
514 Main Street, Haverhill, MA 01830 E-mail:
Phone: 978-373-3861 Fax: 978-373-7995
Got a Trashy Question?
For an answer or FREE price quote!
Visit us at
LOCAL: 603-222-9066
Waste Recycling Services Waste Recycling Services
Looking for a new tax deduction? Got an old
clunker you want off your hands? Want to help
the Temple?
Did you know that you can donate your car to
the Temple? It is quick and easy. They will even
come and get it, so you do not have to bring it
anywhere. Its a win-win situation for everyone!
Heres why:
You dont have to worry about selling your car
and having the buyer invoke the Lemon Law
The car does not even have to be running
They will come to your house and take it right
out of your driveway
You get a tax deduction for the full amount of
selling the car
You make a donation to the Temple that
doesnt cost you any of your own money
You get an IRS form 1098 listing the Temple
as the recipient, that you use for your tax de-
What could be easier? You get rid of a car that
you dont want anyway, and the Temple gets a
If you are interested, call the Temple to help you
through the process. Or, better yet, call me, and I
will personally help you make the donation.
Kevin Miller, (603) 893-5421
updaTe: The Temple just received their rst
check for over $1700 on only 1 car donation!!!
Collecting Labels
to support Religious School
The PTO is collecting labels in order to purchase
special educational materials for your children.
Check your cans and boxes and please drop the
labels off at the Temple offce or Religious School
Thanks for
your support!
The Temple is recycling phones
and print cartridges. Please drop
them off at the Temple offce or
Religious School offce.
Thank you for recycling
Fu ndr ai s i ng at Te mpl e Ema nu-El
Scrip Comes to Temple Emanu-El!
Shop with Scrip is an easy way to support Temple Emanu-El. Sim-
ply purchase gift cards (or scrip) for places where you plan to
shop, and use those cards instead of cash or credit. The Temple
purchases the gift cards at a discount and sells them at full face
value; you use them at full face value at your favorite retailers. The
beauty is that you put your regular shopping dollars to work. You
earn money for the Temple without spending a single additional
penny. Keep cards for Shaws, Kohls, Starbucks, Target, CVS,
Dunkin Donuts and many other retailers in your pocket to use just
like cash. Scrip can be used for all your household purchases:
groceries, clothes, household supplies, gasoline, entertainment,
dining, and gifts, to name just a few.
Our frst few orders, though small, were quite successful. As we
increase our participation, this has the potential to be a great fund-
raiser for the Temple.
Now that we have several
orders behind us and are
more familiar with the process, we are moving to a regular sched-
ule. Orders will be collected and submitted on the 10th of each
month (or the next business day if the Temple offce is closed). For
inclusion in our next order, forms and payments should be submit-
ted to the offce no later than october 10, 2013.
Our Scrip vendor is continually adding new retailers. Well use this
space, as well as reminder emails, to let you know when new gift
cards are available.
Order forms and additional information are available on the wall
outside the Temple offce, in the library, and on our website at You may also order scrip
online at
If you have any questions, please contact Paula Breger at
978.373.8846 or fundraiser
Did you know that the Temple earns a percentage of
every purchase made at
how To order:
1. Visit
(dont forget the dash!)
2. Click on Fundraising tab and scroll down to:
3. Order online as usual
If you would like help, please ask Paula
in HaSifriyah for assistance.
Temple Emanu-El
514 Main Street
Haverhill, MA 01830
Tzadikim Elijahs Table Amoodim
When you become a member of either Tzadikim, Elijahs Table or Amoodim, you are doing an act of loving kindness by helping one
of the families in our community who cannot afford to pay full dues.
Tzadikim 5774:
Members who contribute $650 over the $1950 Family Membership Full Dues or $325 over the $975 Single Membership Full Dues.
Anonymous Ronnie Cohen Howard & Caren Hantman
Laura Bendetson Mike & Marilyn Goldberg Alma Klinetsky
Margery Bendetson
Elijahs Table 5774:
Members who contribute $975 over the $1950 Family Membership Full Dues or $490 over the $975 Single Membership Full Dues.
Anonymous Janet Kopel Brian & Essie Shuman
Larry & Janet Cowan Howard Paul David Watnick
Bill & Patricia Herman
Amoodim 5774:
Members who contribute $1950 over the $1950 Family Membership Full Dues or $975 over the $975 Single Membership Full Dues.
Stuart Mandell David & Mattie Paul Stephen Sall
Leona Paul

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