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Saint Teresa

By Alice Hanchard, Brittany

Drew,Ellen Williams and
Emma Kirkbby.
Interesting Facts about Saint
• There is a sculpture of her 1647-1652
height 150cm.
• Saint Teresa was born in 1515.
More interesting facts
● EARLY LIFE: in 1528 when Teresa was 15
her mother died leaving 10 children.
Three reasons I believe Saint
Teresa is Spirit-Filled
● Her courage and enthusiasm were readily
kindled an early example of which trait
occurred when she was at the age of 7 she
left home with her brother.
● Saint Teresa joined the Carmelites when
she was twenty years old.
● She was faithful and humble.
Gifts of the holy spirit
● Loving demonstrated
● Courage
● Responsibility
● Respect
● Wise
● Wisdom
● Helpful
● Knowledge
● Understanding
● Right judgment
● Reverence
● Wonder and awe
Saint Teresa
● Saint Teresa has lots of qualities and she
used them to follow Jesus.
Saint Teresa
● When she was 5 years old she convinced
her older brother that he should go off to the
land of the moors and beg them out of love
of God to cut off his head there
Saint Teresa
● Saint Teresa’s father told her not to lie but
the mother told her not to tell her father that
she hid fanciful books.
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