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Brussels, 29 May 2009


Mr Olli Rehn
Commissioner for Enlargement
European Commission
1049 Brussels letter sent by e-mail :

Arrest of trade unionists in Turkey

Dear Commissioner,

We are hearing alarming reports from Turkey. The offices of KESK, one of the
ETUC’s affiliated organisations, have been raided by the Turkish Gendarmerie.
KESK property has been confiscated. A number of KESK trade unionists have been
taken into police custody, including Abdurrahman Daşdemir, the former General
Secretary, and two prominent women leaders, Songül Morsümbül, a member of the
KESK Executive Committee, and Gülçin Isbert, a member of the Executive
Committee of its teachers’ union.

In our letter to you dated 11 March 2009 in the context of discussions linked to the
opening up of the Chapter on Social Policy and Employment within the context of
Turkish Accession to the European Union, the ETUC already expressed its concern
that the current legal provisions in Turkey do not provide adequate protection for
trade unionists from the state’s interference in their right to the freedom of

In the light of these latest developments we now fear that these intimidatory acts make
it difficult for KESK to go about its normal trade union activity.

We call on the Commission to remain very vigilant, not only as regards Chapter 19 on
Social Policy and Employment, but also as regards Chapter 23 on Judiciary and
Fundamental Rights.

The ETUC will continue to remain vigilant as to the protection of trade union rights in
Turkey and will follow closely any developments in this respect, and it remains at the
disposal of the EU institutions to provide any further comments and assessments in
this regard.

John Monks, General Secretary

Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5 • B – 1210 Bruxelles • Tel: +32 2 224 04 11
Fax: +32 2 224 04 54 / 55 • e-mail: •
I am copying this letter to Commissioner Spidla.

Yours sincerely

John Monks
General Secretary

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