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! !"#$%#&'#""&(%&$&")''"#&$*+('&,+(-%#"./& My name is Anna. I am 12 years old and love my dog, Winston. I love to do volleyball, track, and will be starting basketball this year. I am in 6th grade and my favorite subject has to be science! I love science and I even have an invention book! 01&23$'&*-+(43'&,+(&'+&56##'&!#$7#&8+4$9& A: What brought me to Sweet Peace Yoga was my Father, actually. He met my teacher and I have been doing yoga ever since. 01&23$'&):'#-#%'%&,+(&$*+('&,+4$9& A: What interests me about yoga is how good you feel after a class. It's a relaxed feeling I can't quite explain! 01&;+6&3$%&8+4$&73$:4#<&,+(-&").#9& A: Yoga has changed my life because I now have a time of the week not to worry about anything at all. Just relax for an hour. 01&23$'&$-#&,+(-&'3+(43'%&+:&=#<)'$')+:9& A: Meditation makes me feel so relaxed but not tired. After I get up I feel blissful and calm. 01&>+&,+(&.##"&'3$'&,+4$&3#"?%&,+(&+('%)<#&+.&7"$%%9&@.&%+A&3+69& A: Yoga helps me outside of class because it makes me feel stronger and more balanced. It makes you feel good, inside and out! 01&23$'&$<B)7#&6+("<&,+(&4)B#&'+&%+=#+:#&63+&)%&:#6&'+&8+4$9&

A: "Seriously, it helps you for more than just balance and strength. It makes you feel good inside and out."
01&23$'&)%&,+(-&.$B+-)'#&?$-'&$*+('&8+4$&7"$%%9& A: My favorite part of class is definitely meditation. It's like a whole new world you have to experience. It makes you feel pure and an unexplainable feeling that makes you just relax and think about nothing but relaxing! !

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