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Information Literacy Lesson Plan & Pathfinder

By Amy Perry Georgia Southern University FRIT 7136, Dr. Kathryn Kennedy Spring 2012


Information Literacy Lesson and Pathfinder

By Amy Perry Grade: Teachers: Course: 10th Grade Margaret Sheehan & John Lynah Economics, Main Topic: Personal Finance Economics

Standards for the 21st Century Learner AASL Standards: 1. Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge 2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge 3. Show knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society 4. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth Skills Indicators: Indicator 1.1.9: Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding. Indicator 2.1.3: Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular areas, real world situations, and further investigations. Indicator 2.1.4: Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information. Indicator 3.1.4: Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess. Indicator 4.1.8: Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning. Benchmarks: 1.1.9: Seek ideas and opinions from others, help to organize and integrate contributions of all group members in products. 2.1.3: Recognize multiple causes for same issues, apply strategies for making personal and real world connections with information. 2.1.4: Use web-based and other technology tools to show connections and patterns in the ideas and information collected. 3.1.4: Use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences. 4.1.8: Express their own ideas through creative products in a variety of formats, select and use various types of multimedia software for artistic and personal expression.


Dispositions Indicators: Indicator 1.2.1: Display initiative and engagement by posing questions and investigating the answers beyond the collection of superficial facts. Indicator 1.2.3: Demonstrate creativity by using multiple resources and formats. Indicator 2.2.4: Demonstrate personal productivity by completing products to express learning. Indicator 3.2.3: Demonstrate teamwork by working productively with others. Responsibilities Indicators: Indicator 1.3.5: Use information technology responsibly. Indicator 2.3.1: Connect understanding to the real world. Indicator 3.3.2: Respect the differing interests and experiences of others, and seek a vrity of viewpoints. Indicator 3.3.4: Create products that apply to authentic, real-world contexts. Indicator 4.3.4: Practice safe and ethical behaviors in personal electronic communication and interaction. Self-Assessment Strategies Indicators: 2.4.2: 1.4.3: 4.4.1: 1.4.4: 3.4.2: Reflect on systematic process and assess for completeness of investigation. Monitor gathered information and assess for gaps or weaknesses. Identify own areas of interests. Seek appropriate help when it is needed. Assess the quality and effectiveness of the learning product.

Connection to Georgia Performance Standards: SSEPF1: The student will apply rational decision making to personal spending and saving choices. Create a savings and financial investment plan for a future goal. MAMDMA3. Students will create and analyze mathematical models to make decisions related to earning, investing, spending, and borrowing money. MMFN1. Students will use fractions, percents, and ratios to solve problems related to stock transactions, credit cards, taxes, budgets, automobile purchases, fuel economy, Social Security, Medicare, retirement planning, checking and saving accounts and other related finance applications. MMFD2. Students will use data displays including bar graphs, line graphs, stock bar charts, candlestick charts, box and whisker plots, stem and leaf plots, circle graphs, and scatterplots to recognize and interpret trends related to the stock market, retirement planning, insurance, car purchasing, and home rental or ownership.


BCS-CA1-4. Students will use spreadsheet software to create, edit, and publish industry appropriate files. CTAE-FS-8 Leadership and Teamwork: Learners apply leadership and teamwork skills in collaborating with others to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. CTAE-FS-5 Information Technology Applications: Learners use multiple information technology devices to access, organize, process, transmit, and communicate information. Overview: Tenth grade students in Economics class will examine resources provided by the media center relating to personal budgets, saving, and investing using Destiny. Using technology tools, students will create a budget then create graphics to represent their data. Students will then use a research pathfinder to collect additional information about budgeting. Lastly, students will create a presentation using online technology tools showcasing their findings. The essential questions for this lesson are: Why is it never too early to plan for the future? How can decisions we make now play a role in the lifestyle we have later? What is my plan for being financially stable? Final Product: Students learn to locate media center materials relating to a topic and will use online tools to create a budget and a graph to represent their data. After using the pathfinder provided students will create a presentation recapping their learning about budgeting. Library Lesson: Students will receive an overview of how to locate materials in Destiny by searching for keywords and topics. Students will also learn about new technology tools that can be used within the media center and at home. Students will review appropriate computer and internet use throughout the lesson. Assessment: Product: 1. The media specialist and teacher will access students current knowledge (previous activities) on creating budgets through quick group activity observing student feedback. 2. Students will use the handout provided to learn more about Destiny. (Attachment #1) 3. Students will use the budget worksheet within Google Docs to create a budget based off of a selected career. (Attachment #2) 4. Teacher will access graphs created from budget data by asking questions and receiving answers from students. 5. Media specialist and teacher will use the grading rubric to assess final group presentations of student findings. (Attachment #3) Process: 1. The media specialist and teacher will assess what students know about budgeting by giving students sticky notes and having them write teacher prompted statements about how they plan to spend money in the future.


2. The media specialist and teacher will teach students how to use Destiny to search for media center materials including materials relating to economics, saving, budgeting, and personal finance. 3. The media specialist and teacher will demonstrate the use of GACollege 411 to select a career with a salary with feedback from students. 4. The students will use Google Docs to create their own budget based off of the salary selected from GA College 411. 5. The students will create simple graphics from the data entered into the budget. 6. The students will work in teams to create a presentation using the information provided in the Research Pathfinder to create a presentation about budgeting and personal finance. Student self-questioning o How will I find out about this idea or topic? o What background information would help me get an overview of my topic so that I can ask good questions and learn more about it? o What technology tools will help me organize and make sense of my information? o What new understandings did I develop about the topic or idea? o How can I use technology to communicate and interact with others? o How well does my product/presentation fulfill all the requirements of the assignment?

Instructional Plan Resources students will use: Destiny: , Research Pathfinder: Google Docs:, Attachment Sample #2 Books: Searched from using Destiny Handouts & Rubrics: Attachment #1, #3 Instruction/Activities Day 1 Direct Instruction The media specialist and teacher will demonstrate how to use Destiny so that students get a better understanding of how to locate media center materials relating to particular topics. Next a brief presentation will be given on personal finance and budgeting followed by a preview and tour of the research pathfinder the students will use during this lesson.


Modeling and Guided Practice The media specialist and teacher will guide the students in a discussion on budgeting and assess what the students already know by having them brainstorm. Students will write budgeting categories and definitions on sticky notes. The sticky notes will be posted and discussed. Next the media specialist will demonstrate how to use GA College 411 to locate careers and salaries. A teacher lead discussion will take place where students will collaboratively decide on a career and salary to use for our budget activity. Students will briefly divide into groups to discuss what type of house, car, and lifestyle would correlate to the selected career and salary. The media specialist will assist students in Google Docs to create a sample budget. The teacher and media specialist will discuss budget categories with students. Independent practice The teachers and media specialist will allow students to work independently or in pairs to create their budget based off salary. Sharing and reflecting If time permits, students will share their budget data with each other while the media specialist and teacher observe and give feedback.

Day 2: Direct Instruction The media specialist and teacher will review budgeting information discussed in the last session as well as the Destiny findings relating to economics. The teacher will give an overview of the activities to be completed today. A detailed tour and overview of our research pathfinder will be given so students know how to access it. Modeling and Guided Practice All students will open their previously created budget. The teacher and media specialist guide students in using their data to create basic graphs and charts based off of the data in their budgeting categories. The teacher and media specialist will explain the guidelines for creating final presentations in Glogster. Students will be divided into groups and will set up accounts. The teacher and media specialist will guide students on how to start their online poster. Independent/Team Practice Students will create one graph on their own and will save their work. Students will get into assigned groups to create their final presentation in Glogster using the grading rubric provided. Sharing and Reflecting Students will share their Glog with their classmates. Classmates will have the opportunity to give feedback and suggestions. Students will also assess their own poster by using the grading rubric as a way to reflect over their own learning and final product.


Follow-Up Days: Students will return to the media center for shorter sessions to complete their research using the pathfinder and perfect their Glog. Students will present their posters to the class as well as share their Glogs with other teachers with related curriculum. Research Pathfinder: Personal Reflection: I decided that this lesson our take at least two days which is about 3 hours total. I started the lesson on a Tuesday and continued on Thursday because we are on an AB block schedule at our school. The 10th grade Economics class (16 students were present) met me in the media center and we got straight to work. We were able to demonstrate how to use Destiny using a laptop and projector. Students seemed to like the handout and most students didnt even know we had Destiny. A couple students even asked questions about adding books to their lists in Destiny which reinforced that they were paying attention. Next I gave the students a couple sticky notes and told them to write words that come to mind when talking about budgeting and personal finance. I gave the students a tour of our pathfinder and we viewed and discussed some of the information resources. I had to keep the students moving along, many seemed to want to stay in the pathfinder. During the first group activity I had the students discuss categories they need to keep in mind when creating a budget. I had to keep the students on task and get their attention for the next part of the lesson. The students decided that we would use the career of a nurse and a nurses salary to create our budget in Google Docs. We used GA College 411 to locate a nurses salary. Students had questions about GA College 411 and how to access their accounts and portfolios. I made a mental note that we need to do more instruction with our students on how to utilize GA College 411. Students worked in pairs to access Google Docs and I guided them through the process of locating the budget template. I allowed students to enter data into the budget categories based on what they thought was important. I observed students as they talked about the categories. All in all, this was a good day. I think using Google Docs to see an actual budget template really helped the students understand how a budget can be created. On Thursday, the students came in about 10 minutes later than scheduled. I allowed students to sit with their partner to review their budget. Most students completed their budget as assigned prior to coming to the media center. One modification I made to my original plan, due to time constraints, was creating graphs. I decided not to do this and suggested that I share the information with students at a later time. I used the pathfinder in more detail to show the students how to navigate it and explained the resources that are located within it. I introduced the students to Glogster. About three students had heard of it before but most had not. Students were assigned into teams and were instructed to start their glog. It was awesome to see the students working with my pathfinder and creating glogs. In the weeks to come, the class will report to my computer lab or meet me in the media center to present their posters.


How to Search Using Destiny Student Handout

Web-based Library Catalog Available 24-7 Linked to the SAA Media Center

At Home: Go to :, Search Media Services OR Go to: t.aspx OR From School: Click Destiny from a media center computer desktop! \ Click on Savannah Arts Academy Click Login in the top right corner Login using your school username and password Destiny will recognize your account Click Catalog from the top tabs Begin your search!

Getting Started in Destiny

Attachment #1


(this is a screen shot of the budget template used in Google Docs)

Attachment #2


Online Poster Evaluation Rubric

Activity using

Team Members: ____________________________________________________________________________

CATEGORY Required Elements

All but 1 of the required elements are included on the poster.

Several required elements were missing.

The poster includes All required elements all required elements are included on the as well as additional poster. information.

Content Accuracy

At least 5 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.

4 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.

3 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.

Less than 3 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.

Graphics Relevance

Includes at least 3 images/photos relating to personal finance or budgeting and one graph (created by student during activity).

Includes at least 3 images/photos relating to personal finance or budgeting.

Includes at least 2 images/photos relating to personal finance or budgeting.

Includes one or less images/photos relating to personal finance or budgeting.

Paragraphs and Contains at least 4 tips or facts about Quotes

Contains at least 3 tips or facts about budgeting. This may budgeting. This may include steps to start include steps to start a budget and a budget and resources that can resources that can be used. be used. Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the poster. There is 1 error in capitalization or punctuation.

Contains at least 2 tips or facts about budgeting. This may include steps to start a budget and resources that can be used.

Contains at least 1 tips or facts about budgeting. This may include steps to start a budget and resources that can be used.


There are 2 errors in There are more than capitalization or 2 errors in punctuation. capitalization or punctuation.

Date Created: Apr 07, 2012


Rubric Made Using: RubiStar ( ) Edited by Amy Perry, Modified from Web Quest rubric created by Group 3, FRIT 7136

Attachment #3

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