Education 2

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Through the past few years, we have been living in a development world which has been taking a lot advantages through the uses of technology; however, there is a big question to give answer to. What is education 2.0? This term refers to a lot of meanings, first of all because just the fact that this is named education 2.0, talks about how something that is so traditional as education or teaching, has now adopted new ways in order to improve and learn into the best possible ways. E2.0 is so complex because obviously contains all the web 2.0 tools, in which people who are involve can interact with it. But a step change in some traditional practice is never a matter of simply using new tools it is a matter of using them in a particular spirit. Web 2.0 makes certain new ways of acting possible, especially new forms of social participation on the internet (Crook, 2008) These new and progressive ways are been adopted by the educational programs to learn, in which the whole process includes a huge social participation, and all of it has to do with the simple reason of interacting through the internet. Web 2.0 works to support learning and learners. There is something really important to talk about and is about social networking which talks pretty much about the social networks, the games, the virtual worlds, blogs, and wikis, etc.; that are being used on most of educational systems with the purpose of creating and improving the reflective and the expressive aspects of the students learning process; but also includes the playful aspect in which includes the ways of learning by having fun as well. The ways how much of people is using the tools that web 2.0 provides us, probably is not the right one or the best one, because we need to remember something, and is that depending of the use that we give to the technological tools in order to learn in the same way will be the results that we will get at the end. There are a lot of ways, especially if we are talking about new ways to learn that we can use in our learning classroom, we have no reasons to put aside the pedagogy process involve into the web 2.0, and it means about the ways of teaching, learning, and practicing and just like the article says the new ways of creating rather that only reading material or content. But there is a big point to talk about, and is the unbelievable way how web 2.0 has changed the way of learning and interacting with the students; this depends a lot of our teachers, if they are really available and are open mind in order to acquired and realized that the times are changing and not necessarily in a wrong way, but for the best; however, This will require educators and educational institutions to confront this fact. There are some big questions that I would like to make. Are we changing our teachers in order to acquired learning autonomy? Because we already have the web 2.0 in which includes all kind of sources and possible tools that allow us to learn by ourselves, but there is when we can think and realized that the teacher can work together in a tech environment; for the other hand, those points took me to the part where I am wondering myself; Do we need to go to school in order to learn, when we can make it at home? Do we need a teacher to teach us what is already on the internet? Are we using the communicative approach in our classrooms or we choose to do it in any kind of cyberspace? Technology should not be the most important thing in our lives, but of course is one of the most fundamental tools that we have nowadays. (Technology Enhanced Learning phase of the Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP-TEL) ., 2007)

Diana Villegas

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