Guided Practice Introduction To The Verb "Be" in The Present Simple Tense

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Introduction to the verb be in the Present Simple tense

1. Which grammar person (1st, 2nd or 3th) and which grammar number (singular or plural) is each
of these pronouns?
- you (only one person, animal or thing)
- he
- she
- it
- you (several people, animals or things)
- we
- they
2. Look at the use of the verb be in the Present Simple tense, whose forms are am, are and
is. Put an S under each subject and add a P if it is a personal pronoun. Notice the structure
of questions and negative sentences.
- I am your teacher. I am pleased to meet you. I am not a too serious person.
- You are a student. Are you in this classroom with other students?
- Juan Diego Flores is a great singer. And he is Peruvian! But he is not in his country at the

- The wife of the President is a young woman. She is 37 years old. She is not in Peru right now.
- My name is Carlos. Many people think it is a nice name.
Aunt Ann says the dog of my cousin is really big. Is it a bulldog? Look! It is not in the backyard.
- You and I are in this classroom. Are we nice people? At least, we are not boring people.
- These soccer players are very interested in winning the match. But they are not the best.
- Hey mom and dad. You are my parents! Why are you so cruel with me? You are not kind.
3. Now, give examples of people and things you can refer to, in your own speech, when using the
following pronouns.
- you (s.)
- he
- she
- it
- you (pl.)
- we
- they
4. Use the the codes S for subjet, V for verb, C for complement and not for the negative
adverb not (negation word). What is the structure of the present simple with the verb be

(I give you the first example.)

a) affirmative sentences?

S + V + C.

b) negative sentences?

c) questions? (Notice that, if you have a question word like What or Why, you only put it at
the beginning of the question)

a) Match each example from Exercise 2 with sentence of your own with the verb be in the
Present Simple tense. Make a question, an affirmative sentence and a negative one for each of

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