MEDITATION Yoga Home2 Opening The Heart Oct 2013-1

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Inner journey practices leading to the full expression of your soul purpose

Opening the Heart

DATE: Saturday October 19, 2013 TIME: 1:00pm 4:00pm PRESENTER: Dana Carpenter, MPH COST: $55 ($45 if paid by Oct. 10th) Register online LOCATION: Yoga Home of Therapeutics, 5801 W. Britton Rd. St. K, OKC, OK 73132 (405)470-8180 In order to be able to open the heart we need to have safety, security and trust. Most of us have hardened our hearts in order to protect ourselves from additional hurt, pain, or deception. We may have developed layers of protection or heart walls to thicken our skin. To begin opening the heart we need to clear the fear. Devotion to the divine begins to open our hearts. When you can touch that space/place of peaceful stillness, your heart begins to open automatically. What do we mean by opening the heart? Life force energy is freely flowing through all parts of our being, moving and expressing without restrictions or limitation. Our emotional body is smooth as silk. Our mental body is harmonized and balanced. The core of our being is completely cleared of old spent energy and filled with iridescent liquid mother of pearl light - soft, sweet, tender, loving, healing, and rejuvenating energy. We are willing to let go of old instructions about how to be. We are open to receiving new guidance to support us in our life of peace and harmony. With an open heart you develop more compassion for yourself, others, life. You develop more insight about life patterns and connections, actions and consequences. The protective layers around your heart begin to soften and fall away. You begin to choose more meaningful connections to others, nature, the world. Techniques and practices will be presented in such a way that every individual will receive what is needed whether you are new to meditation or have studied meditation for many years. Inner journey practices will be accompanied by restorative and therapeutic yoga practices to assist you in integration of the new vibration coming into your bodies. Wear comfortable clothes for sitting during meditation and for yoga stretches and movement. Bring a notepad to record insights received during the meditation sessions.

About the presenter: Dana Carpenter, MPH provides a meditation school at Unity Spiritual Life Center in Oklahoma City. She is a student of Audle Allison, has been meditating since 1974 and teaching meditation since 2000.

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