Exp:1 Generation of Signals

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Exp:1 Generation of Signals

enter no samples3 enter no samples3 enter no samples3 enter the amplitude1 no of samples6 no of samples6 amplitude1 amplitude1 amplitude-1 amplitude0

Exp:3 Sampling and Effects of Aliasing

enter the no of samples5 enter the frequency10

Exp:5 IIR filter using Butterworth Windowing Technique

enter the IIR filter design specifications enter the passband ripple.1 enter the stopband ripple.2 enter the passband freq1000 enter the stopband freq2000 enter the sampling freq5000 enter choice of filter 1. LPF 2. HPF 1 Frequency response of IIR HPF is:

enter the IIR filter design specifications enter the passband ripple.1 enter the stopband ripple.2 enter the passband freq1000 enter the stopband freq2000 enter the sampling freq5000 enter choice of filter 1. LPF 2. HPF 2 Frequency response of IIR HPF is:

Exp:2 Circular Convolution

Command entries circular convolution program enter i/p x(n):[1 4 5 6] enter i/p sequence h(n)[2 3 4 8 9 7] circular convolution of x(n) & h(n) is y(n):

y= 123 100 68 51 79 107

Exp: 6 Response of Fast Fourier Transform

x(n)[2 4 6 3] n4

Exp:4 Fir Filter design using Windowing Techniques

enter pass band ripple.1 enter stop band ripple.2 enter pass band frequency1000 enter stop band frequency2000 enter sampling frequency5000 enter your choice of window function 1.rectangular 2.triangular 3.kaiser: 1 rectangular window filter response

enter pass band ripple.1 enter stop band ripple.2 enter pass band frequency1000 enter stop band frequency2000 enter sampling frequency5000 enter your choice of window function 1.rectangular 2.triangular 3.kaiser: 2 y = 0.5000 1.0000 0.5000 Triangular window response

enter pass band ripple.1 enter stop band ripple.2 enter pass band frequency1000 enter stop band frequency2000 enter sampling frequency5000 enter your choice of window function 1.rectangular 2.triangular 3.kaiser: 3 y= 0.9403 1.0000 0.9403 Kaiser window filter response

Exp:2 Linear convolution

enter the first sequence[4 5 6 3] enter the second sequence[2 4 5]

Exp: 7 Polyphase decomposition

enter the input sequence5 enter the file filter co-efficient4 enter the decimation factor2 Figure:1


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