02 Communication Basics

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Communication Basics

We cannot not communicate

The way we communicate reflects our innermost

selves, our skills, our confidence Our ability to communicate has a direct bearing on:
Our friendship, promotion, pay rises, responsibilities, career

paths. The level of support and help we receive from others

70% of the mistakes in the workplace are a direct

result of poor communication

Communication Impact:


- 7% Tone of Voice - 38% Body Language - 55% The real communication is the message received, not the message intended Communication is a two way street; We have to give as well as gather. Communication is a dance: a reciprocal process

Basics I know you believe you understand what you think I said but I am not sure you realise that what you heard is not what I meant.

Basic Objectives of Communication

To get your listeners to HEAR you To get your listeners to UNDERSTAND

what you have heard To get your listeners to AGREE to what you have heard To get your listeners to TAKE ACTION appropriately To receive FEEDBACK from your listeners

Communication is an interpersonal process; hence

not enough being an effective communicator; you have to improve the manner in which you relate to people. Blocks result when Feelings, Values and Opinions are confused with Facts. Communication is at the core of our being. Words alone has no meaning; only people can put meaning into words.

T-A-C-T-F-U-L Communication
T = Think before you speak

A = Apologise quickly when you blunder

C = Converse, dont compete T = Time your comments

F = Focus on your behaviour, not personality

U = Uncover hidden feelings L = Listen for feedback

Corporate Communication
Communication explosion; volume of info. Doubled

every year Comm. not only about info. available:

Emphasis need to be on two-way comm.

To feel in genuine comm. People need an interaction; an

emotional engagement which comes from discussion and dialogue.

People less concerned about raw info. but more

about quality of interaction which gives them a sense of involvement.

Communication style v/s Impact

Informing Memo; periodicals; most internet sites Raising awareness Change index: 1


Briefing groups; chat Raising rooms understanding Change index: 3 Facilitated meetings; Coaching; Mentoring; Team learning Building commitment and stimulating behaviour change. Change index: 8 - 10


Growth in org. communication

Top mgnt. desperate to make strategy happen

With flatter hierarchy people need to understand

what they are supposed to do and why With speed of change, top mgnt. Need to sustain peoples interest & commitment; overcoming their resistance to initiatives. Anxieties due to Merger & Acquisition activities. Increased attention to brand and corporate reputation Retaining personnel keeping them involved.

According to Jack Welch:

If you want to get the benefit of everything

employees have, youve got to free them, make everybody a participant. Everybody has to know everything, so they can make the right decision themselves . The role of the leader is to express a vision, get buy-in and implement it. This calls for open, caring relations with every employee, and faceto-face communication.

Communication effectiveness
Studies show that the comm. function is liable to

contribute best to the orgn. when it is working to support 4 orgn. competencies:

Clarity of purpose Trusting interfaces with people

Effective sharing of information

Top management communication

It is a combination of these 4 activities that counts.

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