Los Adjetivos Genero y Nmero

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Los adjetivos, genero y nmero


Qu es un adjetivo?

like tall, short, or funny are adjectives.

describe appearance, size, personality, and other characteristics. Spanish, adjectives change to express gender and number.



El gnero de los adjetivos


adjectives can be masculine or feminine, depending on what they describe.

Formacin del femenino. The feminine of an adjective is formed this way. Masculine form Ends in o Feminine form Ends in a Examples Simptico inteligente joven simptica inteligente joven

Ends in e Does not or in a consonant change.

El nmero de los adjetivos


adjectives can be singular or plural, depending on what they describe.

Formacin del plural. The plural of an adjective is formed this way. Singular form Ends in vowel Ends in consonant Plural form Adds s Adds -es Examples Simpticos joven simpticos jvenes

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