Situation Tree - Iraqi-Kurdistan

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Group Kurdistan Limited Social and Economic Opportunities for the Youth of Iraqi Kurdistan Region.

Limited Livelihood Opportunities for Youth

For this situation tree foreign workers is defined as: skilled (educated/trained) and unskilled (not trained). Skilled workers: Are hired from their own countries due to trust issues. Unskilled jobs are given to foreigners* due to cheap labor. *Foreign Workers: cheap physical laborers (Indian and Sub-Africa) *Social Capital: Utilizing Engineers (American/European v. Kurd/Iraq etc.

Limited Entrepreneurial opportunities

Oversaturation of the formal Job Market

Limited focus on vocational training for youth

Limited credit opportunities

Lack of Entrepreneurial education and business skills

Not enough new jobs being created

Flood of Foreign Workers

Traditional Banking v. Informal Banking (ex: Banks v. Hawala

Foreign investors are not creating enough jobs for the local population

Not enough incentive for local investors to create jobs

Demand for cheap labor in low skill jobs

Foreign companies bringing high skilled workers from their own countries due to trust issues

Lack of regulations that limit the hiring of foreign workers

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