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Signals and Systems Assignment-1

IV Semester ECE
1. Find the energy/power of the following signals: (a) x(t) = ej (2t+/4) (b) x(t) = cos 0 t
n (c) x[n] = ( 1 2 ) u[n]

(d) x[n] = ej (/2n+/8) (e) x[n] = cos( 4 n) 2. Determine whether the following signals are periodic. If a signal is periodic, nd its fundamental period. (a) x(t) = jej 10t (b) x(t) = e(1+j )t (c) x(t) = ej (t1) (d) x(t) = [cos(2t /3)]2 (e) x[n] = 3ej 3(n+1/2)5 (f) x[n] = ej 3/5(n+1/2)
(g) x[n] = cos( 2 n) cos( 4 n)

3. Let x[n] = {1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1}. Sketch (a) x[2 n] (b) x[2n] (c) x[n/2] (d) x[(n 1)2 ] 4. Let x[n] be a discrete signal. Let y1 [n] = x[2n] and y2 [n] = (a) If x[n] is periodic, is y1 [n] periodic? (b) If y1 [n] is periodic, is x[n] periodic? (c) If x[n] is periodic, is y2 [n] periodic? (d) If y2 [n] is periodic, is x[n] periodic? 5. Let x(t) be an energy signal, and let xe (t) and xo (t) be its even and odd parts respectively. Show that the energy of x(t) is the sum of the energies of xe (t) and xo (t). 6. Let x[n] = ejm(2/N )n . Show that the fundamental period of x[n] is N0 = N/ gcd(m, N ). x[n/2] n even . 0 n odd

7. Let x1 (t) be periodic with fundamental period T1 , and let x2 (t) be periodic with fundamental period T2 . When is x1 (t) + x2 (t) periodic? 8. Let x1 [n] be periodic with fundamental period N1 , and let x2 [n] be periodic with fundamental period N2 . When is x1 [n] + x2 [n] periodic? 9. For any complex number a, show that
N 1

an =

1aN 1a

a=1 a=1

(Hint: Consider (1 a) If |a| < 1, show that

N 1 n=0

an ). an = 1 1a


10. If x[n] = 0 for n < 0, nd an expression for x[n] in terms of its even part xe [n]. Can you obtain a similar expression for x[n] in terms of its odd part? 11. If x[n] is complex sequence with conjugate symmetry, i.e, x[n] = x [n], what symmetries do the real and imaginary parts of x[n] possess?

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