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Iatrosedation Definition: Fear of dentistry The fear is more destructive lesion than caries or periodontal disease that becomes

the obstacle to their seeking dental health care. Outcome of avoidance of dentist Patients: a higher hear level Dentist: leads to great frustration and stress for the dentist What is Dental Fears? Fear of the unknown Fear of helplessness and dependency Fear of body damage and body change Direct Experiences of traumatic incident due to dental or medical therapies. Consequences of observing experiences of family members or hearing of it. Experiences result from multimedia such as movie, dramas or images from discussed issues in the TV. Ways to help fearful patient Drug (traditional) Technique Inhalation Intravenous Intramuscular Oral sedation Indirect

How dental fears are learned?

Treatments of dental fear Psychosedation Purpose: elimination or significantly reduce the fear via psychological calming. A relearning process Result of interaction initiated by the doctor designed for this purpose Iatrosedation (Primary) reduce the fear to a functional level 1st phase: Iatrosedutive interview 1st meeting

identify the fear problem diagnosis initiate treatment

(relearning is not completed since the fear is eliminated or maximally reduced) 2nd phase: Iatrosedative clinical encounter firing line maximum feeling of safety in the first clinical interaction and be a successful learning experience, eliminating the fear entirely. Pharmacosodation (Secondary) supplementally

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