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Dated: 30/09/2013 Dear Parents, This is to bring to your kind notice that DPSG is providing an opportunity to the students of Classes IX & X to visit Air Force Station Hindan, Ghaziabad to witness Air Force Day parade 2013 (06/10/2013). On this occasion, students will witness the parade by the Air force and stunning Air Show by different sophisticated and prestigious fighter planes of our country. The students must reach to the school, accompanied by their parents at 5:45 AM on 06/10/2013. Kindly send the consent letter for the same by 02/10/2013 to the respective class teachers. (No cell phones, I- pods are allowed during the visit).

Kala Nagarkoti

Jyoti Gupta

Headmistress Secondary Principal ____________________________________________________________________________________

Consent Letter
I am pleased to send my ward ______________________________________ of Class/ Sec ___________ to visit The Air Force Station, Hindan, Ghaziabad on 06/10/2013. I understand that the teachers accompanying the students will be taking complete care of my child. However, if any fatality occurs, I will not hold responsible to the teachers accompanying the students, Principal and the school management. (________________________) Signature of the mother (______________________________) Name of the mother (________________________) Signature of the father (______________________________) Name of the father

Contact Nos. ___________________________________; ____________________________________

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