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Assignment On: Computer Application in Business. Assignment topic: Use of computer in Bangladesh Recent development & problem.

Development & Problems Computer application in Bd. How to buy a product from e commerce
Submitted By: Ormita palit Roll:769,8th semester(Old) Sec: A

Submitted To: Mr. Mohammad Imran. Assistant professor, FBA, USTC.

While all of us living in the developed world may find the title of this article "naive" after decades of computer use, we should spare a thought for the millions out there who have never heard of a computer, let alone use it. This article aims to help in developing a basic understanding amongst first-time users and people who aspire to know more about these wonderful machines. A computer is an electronic device, which executes software programs. It is made up of two parts - hardware and software. The computer processes input through input devices like mouse and keyboard. The computer displays output through output devices like a monitor and printer. The size of a computer varies considerably from small personal computers to gigantic supercomputers which require an entire building to host them. The speed also has a very large range. Computers have become indispensable in today's world. Let us take a look at some of their uses.

Uses of Computer:
Getting the right kind of information is a major challenge as is getting information to make sense. College students spend an average of 5-6 hours a week on the internet. Research shows that computers can significantly enhance performance in learning. Students exposed to the internet say they think the web has helped them improve the quality of their academic research and of their written work. One revolution in education is the advent of distance learning. This offers a variety of internet and video-based online courses.

Health and Medicine

Computer technology is radically changing the tools of medicine. All medical information can now be digitized. Software is now able to computer the risk of a disease. Mental health researchers are using computers to screen troubled teenagers in need of psychotherapy. A patient paralyzed by a stroke has received an implant that allows communication between his brain and a computer; as a result, he can move a cursor across a screen by brainpower and convey simple messages.

Scientists have long been users of it. A new adventure among scientists is the idea of a collaborator, an internet based collaborative laboratory, in which researchers all over the world can work easily together even at a distance. An example is space physics where space physicists are allowed to band together to measure the earths ionosphere from instruments on four parts of the world.

Business clearly sees the interest as a way to enhance productivity and competitiveness. Some areas of business that are undergoing rapid changes are sales and marketing, retailing, banking, stock trading, etc. Sales representatives not only need to be better educated and more knowledgeable about their customers businesses, but also must be comfortable with computer technology. The internet has become a popular marketing tool. The world of cyber cash has come to banking not only smart cards but internet banking, electronic deposit, bill paying, online stock and bond trading, etc.

Recreation and Entertainment:

Our entertainment and pleasure-time have also been affected by computerization. For example: In movies, computer generated graphics give freedom to designers so that special effects and even imaginary characters can play a part in making movies, videos, and commercials. In sports, computers compile statistics, sell tickets, create training programs and diets for athletes, and suggest game plan strategies based on the competitors past performance. In restaurants, almost every one has eaten food where the clerk enters an order by indicating choices on a rather unusual looking cash register; the device directly enters the actual data into a computer, and calculates the cost and then prints a receipt.

Various departments of the Government use computer for their planning, control and law enforcement activities. To name a few Traffic, Tourism, Information & Broadcasting, Education, Aviation and many others.

There are many uses computers in Defense such as: o Controlling UAV or unmanned air-crafts an example is Predator. If you have cable I would recommend watching the shows Future Weapons" and Modern Marvels". The show future weapon gives an entire hour to the predator. o They are also used on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) that uses GPS and Computers to help the missile get to the target. o Computers are used to track incoming missiles and help slew weapons systems onto the incoming target to destroy them. o Computers are used in helping the military find out where all their assets are (Situational Awareness) and in Communications/Battle Management Systems. o Computers are used in the logistic and ordering functions of getting equipments to and around the battlefield.

o Computers are used in tanks and planes and ships to target enemy forces, help run the platform and more recently to help diagnose any problems with the platforms. o Computers help design and test new systems.

In today's technologically growing society, computers are being used in nearly every activity.

Recording Information
Official statistics keepers and some scouts use computers to record statistics, take notes and chat online while attending and working at a sports event.

Analyzing Movements
The best athletes pay close attention to detail. Computers can slow recorded video and allow people to study their specific movements to try to improve their tendencies and repair poor habits.

Many sportswriters attend several sporting events a week and they take their computers with them to write during the game or shortly after while their thoughts are fresh in their mind.

While some scoreboards are manually updated, most professional sports venues have very modern scoreboards that are programmed to update statistics and information immediately after the information is entered into the computer.

The world may have grown smaller in the internet age, but only because the power of communication has grown by leaps and bounds. The top computer uses in business include email communication, and networking platforms such as video and web conferencing, social networking, and various other online chat tools. Even faxing, which has become increasingly obsolete in light of new technologies, is still a relevant business use of the computer.

Search engines and browsing

Computers have provided us with instant access to a world of information. To stay competitive, businesses must utilize search engines such as Google or yahoo to obtain real time information and news and conduct research.

Financial transactions/e-commerce
Retail purchases, credit card transactions, automatic debits can all be processed over computers, and through the internet today. Banks, credit card companies, and other financial institutions are some of the best examples of computer uses in business. E-commerce is a rapidly growing industry, promising to become one of the top computer related professions in the future.

Storage, archival and retrieval

Thousands and thousands of manuscripts, files, charts or other document types can be stored on a tiny microchip. In the old days, businesses needed file cabinets or warehouses to store pertinent records and data. Today, data management is easy, thanks to computers and computer products that enable businesses to organize, store, and easily retrieve critical information.

Design and presentation

Just a few short decades ago, artists were still creating business documents by hand. The advent of graphic design, digital photography and printing technology has enabled businesses to display information more clearly and artistically.

The ease with which databases, spreadsheets and data can be compiled on a computer has certainly improved the efficiency and management practices of businesses worldwide. Many offices now uses computer programs to handle scheduling, accounting, billing, inventory management, contact management, etc.

Document processing
Word Processing, for letters, manuscripts, proposals, etc has revolutionized the business world. Today, many professionals would actually feel lost without simple editing tools such as spell check.

Telecommuting and remote business

Portable laptop computers, smart phones, wireless internet, air cards and hub spots are the wave of the future when it comes to computer uses in business. Today, business can be conducted remotely from almost anywhere.


So much of marketing has gone online. Social media marketing, website development, blogging, advertising, e-newsletters have all become swift means of marketing in an increasingly globalized society.

E-learning, web-based training and software packages

Electronically supported training programs are made possible by computers. Educational software, web training programs and virtual classrooms are all highly utilized in the business world; enabling professionals to learn new skills advance their careers.

Word Processing - Word Processing software automatically corrects spelling and

grammar mistakes. If the content of a document repeats, you don't have to type it each time. You can use the copy and paste features. You can print documents and make several copies. It is easier to read a word-processed document than a handwritten one. You can add images to your document.

Internet - It is a network of almost all the computers in the world. You can browse
through much more information than you could do in a library. That is because computers can store enormous amounts of information. You also have very fast and convenient access to information. Through E-Mail, you can communicate with a person sitting thousands of miles away in a few seconds. Chat software enables one to chat with another on a real-time basis. Video conferencing tools are becoming readily available to the common man.

Digital video or audio composition - Audio or video composition and editing

have been made much easier by computers. It no longer costs thousands of dollars of equipment to compose music or make a film. Graphics engineers can use computers to generate short or full-length films or even to create 3D models. Anybody owning a computer can now enter the field of media production. Special effects in science-fiction and action movies are created using computers.

Desktop publishing - With desktop publishing, you can create page layouts for entire
books on your personal computer.

Mathematical Calculations - Thanks to computers, which have computing speeds

of over a million calculations per second we can perform the biggest of mathematical calculations.

Banks - All financial transactions are done by computer software. They provide
security, speed and convenience.

Travel - One can book air tickets or railway tickets and make hotel reservations online. Telecommunications - Software is widely used here. Also all mobile phones have
software embedded in them.

Examinations - You can give online exams and get instant results. You can check
your examination results online.

Business - Shops and supermarkets use software, which calculate the bills. Taxes can
be calculated and paid online. Accounting is done using computers. One can predict future trends of business using artificial intelligence software. Software is used in major stock markets. One can do trading online. There are fully automated factories running on software. Certificates - Different types of certificates can be generated. It is very easy to create and change layouts.

ATM machines - The computer software authenticates the user and dispenses cash. Marriage - There are matrimonial sites through which one can search for a suitable
groom or bride.

News - There are many websites through which you can read the latest or old news. Classmates - There are many alumni websites through which you can regain contact
with your classmates.

Robotics - Robots are controlled by software.

Electronic gadgets run with the help of computers. There are various software which are used to increase the efficiency of these devices. Timers, self-controlled switches - these ensure that the machines ask for minimum human effort.

Planning and Scheduling - Software can be used to store contact information,

generating plans, scheduling appointments and deadlines.

Plagiarism - Software can examine content for plagiarism. Greeting Cards - You can send and receive greetings pertaining to different

Sports - Software is used for making umpiring decisions. There is simulation software
using which a sportsperson can practice his skills. Computers are also to identify flaws in technique.

Airplanes - Pilots train on software, which simulates flying. Weather analysis - Supercomputers are used to analyze and predict weather.

Recent Development of computer in Bangladesh:

National ID card: Every citizen who is eligible to be a voter under the Electoral Roll Act,
2009 shall have the right to obtain, in the prescribed manner and subject to payment of prescribed fees, a National Identity Card of the prescribed class. Each citizen shall be issued with only one National Identity Card by Bangladesh Election Commission. Every citizen shall get his or her identity registered to obtain the National Identity Card. A person should have the following qualifications to be registered as a voter according to Article 122 of the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh and Section 7 of Electoral Rolls Act 2009:

Is a citizen of Bangladesh; Is not less than eighteen years of age; Does not stand declared by a competent court to be a unsound mind; and Is or is deemed to a resident of an electoral area.

3G in Bangladesh: The third-generation (3G) mobile phone service in Bangladesh is to start

this June. After the special inauguration of 3G by the state-owned Teletalk, BTRC is all set to open auction for competitive licensing. Five more licenses will be awarded, of which, four licenses will be awarded through open auction, BTRC officials confirmed. A pre-auction meeting of getting 3G license took place between BTRC and five local mobile phone operators in 12 and 14 March. However, there were some issues which have not been agreed by both parties and yet to be dismissed. However, the commissioner of BTRC is optimistic to reach to a settlement about any odds regarding the 3G auction participation issue before submitting the application on 1 May. He said that he would handle this situation sophisticatedly so that all the operators take part in the auction.

The auction is likely to competitive for state owned Teletalk who owns less than 2 per cent of the total market share. Whereas other participators have the added advantage because of their huge user base. Moreover, the network infrastructure and the coverage might also be a strong competitive advantage in a highly competitive market.

Online Banking: E-business has created tremendous opportunity all over the globe. On Line
banking can act as a complementary factor of e-business. Bangladesh Bank has recently argued to introduce automated clearing house system. This pushed upward transition from the manual banking system to the on line banking system. The study has been undertaken to observe present status of the e-business and as its complementary factor on line banking system in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is still lagging behind to avail the opportunity of e-business. However, banking sector as a whole has been introducing on line banking system which plays complementary role to spread of e-business. Internet has opened a new horizon of e-business, creating immense opportunities for marketing products as well as managing organizations banking internationally. Gradually wire less Internet system has been creating a new paradigm and electronic fund transfer can have a suitable formation.

E-Ticket of Bangladesh Railway: Purchasing tickets through Internet is another

convenient way to travel with Bangladesh Railway. Register yourself with your cell phone number, book online and your ticket details will then be emailed to you instantly after payment through your VISA/MASTER/DBBL Nexus cards. Print it out and bring it along with the registered cell phone number and the card one used to purchase the ticket to the station at least 15 minutes prior to journey. There are specially designated counters in the online stations where e-tickets can be printed and delivered.

Mobile Banking: Mobile banking has until recently (2010) most often been performed via
SMS or the mobile web. Apple's initial success with iPhone and the rapid growth of phones based on Google's Android (operating system) have led to increasing use of special client programs, called apps, downloaded to the mobile device. With that said, advancements in web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript have seen more banks launching mobile web based services to complement native applications. A recent study (May 2012) by Mapa Research suggests that over a third of banks have mobile device detection upon visiting the banks' main website. A number of things can happen on mobile detection such as redirecting to an app store, redirection to a mobile banking specific website or providing a menu of mobile banking options for the user to choose from. Although the banking system based on mobile but its wholly controlled by the computer technology.

Problems in Using Computer Technology:

1. Expense

Expense is probably the number one disadvantage related to technology and business. For example, as of 2010, a single computer or software program may cost several hundred dollars. Not only that, but companies can't just buy their technology once and be done--they need to update the technology constantly in order to stay abreast of technological standards and improvements. Additionally, having technology means that a company needs to pay technology professionals to assist with and monitor that technology.

Personal Touch

Technology streamlines business processes, but in order to do so, it often displaces the personal touch of business (e.g. getting an automated service instead of a phone representative when calling a company.) Dennis Aubuchon of the California Chronicle claims that businesses that create a personal atmosphere will be more successful than businesses that do not. Following this assertion, in some cases, technology may be directly correlated to a loss of, rather than an increase in, business revenue.

Error and Production Cessation


Technology in the workplace is common. However, some employees may overly rely on their business technology to complete tasks and services. This may lead to employees not catching errors that might have been caught had the task been done manually. Additionally, over-reliance on technology impacts whether a business can complete tasks if the technology is removed. For example, a business that functions completely online can't process orders at all if the business' server fails, and factories may have to halt production of a product if a robot on an assembly line breaks down.


The commonness of a technology in business tempers the disadvantages of that technology to some degree. For instance, since so many companies use the Internet, network specialists are very familiar with how to fix issues of network security, speed and connectivity.


Technology often



impression of innovation, efficiency and progressiveness. Managers who don't use technology thus risk having the public and other professionals see their company seen as "slow" or "not keeping up with the times." Managers typically opt to deal with the disadvantages technology brings rather than to risk leaving such a negative impression of the company.


Some of the disadvantages related to technology link to the ethical standards of the employees, as pointed out by Gambler Ventures. For instance, employees may choose to surf the Internet for personal reasons while on company time, or they may purposely ignore technology procedures because they have a personal dispute with management. Ethics training thus may reduce some of the disadvantages technology holds for managers.

Lack of utilization
o Sometimes some organization might able to afford whole computerized system but the system yet under utilized because of unskilled and unprofessional people. It becomes problematic to them to cope up with the system.

Process of buying a product from Ecommerce Website:

Here are a few basic steps to get started:
1.Find an item. Enter keywords into the search box located at the top of any page, or browse through our list of categories on the home page. 2.Learn about the item you found. Read the item description carefully.If you have any questions that aren't answered in the item's description, you can ask the seller about the item by clicking the "Ask seller a question" link.

3.Review the seller's Feedback. View the seller's business reputation by looking at his or her Feedback score, and read the comments left by previous buyers to be sure that this is a seller you feel you can trust. 4.Bid or Buy It Now. Check the item page to see what purchase options are available. You can either place a bid on an item or purchase it instantly using Buy It Now. Remember, all bids are active until the listing ends. If you win or click the Buy It Now button, you're obligated to complete the transaction. 5.Pay for the item. After you've won or bought the item, send your payment to the seller within 3 days. To pay with one of the electronic payment methods offered by the seller, click the Pay Now button in the listing or email notification If you're picking up the item, you can pay by any method the seller accepts (including cash).Confirm your transaction by receiving a money receipt.

Conclusion: Bangladesh has a relatively long experience in the use of computers - the first "second
generation" computer was installed in 1964 at Dhaka and very soon some of the large banks and industrial concerns started using computers, mainly for accounting and payroll applications. The utility companies (e.g. gas, electricity) also started using the bureau facilities of these installations for their customer billing.

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