Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge. Knowledge Is Limited. Imagination Encircles The World.

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Andrea P.

Talban II-11 BECEd

Assignment #5 "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." -Albert Einstein
Imagination is more important than knowledge for it is the way through learning. The knowledge of a person is limited without imagination. Widening ones horizon means exercising and exaggerating his imagination. Knowledge can be stolen, imagination cannot. Through imagination, we learn, invent, propagate, improve and improvise new things. Knowledge is non-sense without imagination. Learn to imagine things and see how things work with the help of owns knowledge.

"Change your thoughts, and you change your world."

-Norman Vincent Peale

Changing the persons outlook in life leads to a changed world. If one is being pessimistic on such things in life, nothing would happen. Bad things would probably come to his way and troubles will hunt him forever. And if that happen, one is not allowed to turn back things, to turn everything in its own beauty, and most importantly, theres no turning back in time. It is a rule that everyone should never, ever forget. In life, one must be optimistic in order to meet with his challenges half way. Everything will flow the way he wants it to be. Positive thinking leads to a positive life because what you think, what you say, how you react on things, and how you act reflect who you are. Everything will go smoothly if you look at it positively.

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