Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching

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“Techniques “~ _ and Principles in Language Teaching DIANE LARSEN-FREEMAN Second Edition ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD Cea Cnn See Os on or (Oxford University Pres isa deparument ofthe University (f Onlord: It farther the University's objective of excellence In research, scholarship, and education by publishing vworldwidein Oxford New York [Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dares Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kaals Lumpur Maded Melbourne Mexico Gry Mumbai [Nairobi Sto Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto (Oxford and Oxford Engh ae registered trade mark of ‘Oxford University Press inthe UK and in certain otber counties (© Oxford Universi Press 2000 “The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Pres (makes) Firs published 2000 Sinthimpresion 2003, No unauthorized photocopying ‘Allright eerved: No part ofthis publication maybe reproduce, Sel rayon uit ny a teas, thou the por peison in weg ivy Ron ora een peed Toru ae red th the apprope reproespics ight oxganiation. Engen ‘Secting reprodacton oie the scope of the above should be ‘Sacto ce ELT Right Departmen, Oxord Univers Prey the adres abowe ‘You must not circulate this boo in any other binding or cover and you mux impose this same condition on any acquirer, Any websies fered eo in tie publication ae athe public domain and thei adresses are provided by Oxford Univesity Pres for information only. Oxford University Press dielaies any eesponsibility or the conten, ISBN 0 194355748 Printed in China Series Editors’ Preface It is always a feeling of great pride for general editors of a pedagogical series when the resounding success of one of its books leads to the demand for publication of a second, expanded edition. We are therefore extremely pleased that Diane Larsen-Freeman has undestalen to con- tribute to the field of language-teaching professionals a newly cevised, updated, and enlarged version of her original and immensely valuable ‘Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. The ways in which the second edition differs from the irst—from the addition of new methods, through more attention to the learning process, toa litle self-indulgence in methodological choice—are amply documented in Diane’s own mes- sage ‘To the Teacher Educator’, and these are departures that are both appropriate and illuminating. What has not changed, however—and modesty would prevent her from saying so—are the intangible qualities that made the first edition so special: enlightenment without condescen- sion, comprehensiveness without tedium, engagement without oversim- plification. Still evident as before is Diane's gift for being able gently to lead one to examine one’s own professional behavior for possible incon- stuities between one’s view of language and the way one teaches it. And still there, even intensified, is evidence of her serious and deeply personal thought devoted to complex pedagogical issues and her incomparable ability to make these matters come alive with great clarity for the widest professional readership. It is no mean accomplishment. Rassell N. Campbell William E, Rutherford To my parents, Elaine and Randolph Lersen, with heartfelt gratitude for their love and encouragement Contents Acknowledgments To the Teacher Educator Introduction ‘The Grammar-Translation Method The Direct Method ‘The Audio-Lingual Method The Silent Way : Desuggestopedia Community Language Learning ‘Total Physical Response ‘Communicative Language Teaching 10 Content-based, Task-based, and Participatory Approaches 11 Learning Strategy Training, Cooperative Learning, and Multiple Intelligences 12. Conclusion Ce Vaneune Appendix "1 23 35 73 89, 107 121 137 159 7 191

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