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In conclusion, there is so many factors that has an impact to the employees productivity.

This reseach contains some factors that has an effect in employees productivity. One of the factors that has an impact in employees productivity is work stress. If the employee become stress it has an positive or negative effect in his/her performance. In negative effect of stress in employee, the employees performance become poor and can cause low productivity. The positive effect of stress employee, the employee having more confident to do his/her job being stress is giving the employee the strenght and confident to do and perform his job much better and as a result employee becomes more productivity. Organizational communication also have an impact in employees productivity. It is part of Employee Relation, if there is lack of communication employee become unmotivated and it will affect his/her performance. It is important to have a communication in the company because the employee feels that he/she is part of the organization and gathering with them some ideas about decision making and also having communication employees become motivated by telling the comments of HR to their performace in good way. Also the oragnizational policies has an impact to employees productivity. The organizational policies is the guide of the employee ro know dos and donts in the organization.The policies in the organization is the guide of every employees if the not aware of the policies it can cause of high mistakes in the performance and also having violations because of not following the policies. Once it happen to the employee it can affect the job or work and the employees performance. The HR always remind the employees the companies policies to know their limitations. Organizational structure is the way of diving the activities in the organization. Using this organizational structure employees can see their responsibilities and tasks. According in some studies having an poor structure can cause unefficiency and reduce productivity. If the organizational structure set up properly it can maintain the productivility and growth of the organization.

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