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Read the passage carefully and answer the questions:

Most birds return to the same place to sleep each night.They do not use the nest to sleep.
Theyuse it only for hatching eggs. They generally sleep perched on branches. A bird has special
claws on its feet when it has gripped a branch it wont fall off even when it sleeps and there is
a very strong wind .
Some birds migrate in winter. They build their nests and rear their young in summer in the
colder lands and then in winter fly away to warmer countries. No one has yet been able to
discover how they find their way there and back.
Penguins swim all the way from Antartica to South America. They stay there a few months
and then they will swim thousands of miles back again.
Swallows and cuckoos fly from England to Africa in August and fly back in April. Swallows fly
very swiftly and can catch flies in their wide open mouths while they are in flight.

Answer the following:1. Where do birds sleep at night ?

2. Why dont they fall off the branches in their sleep ?
3. Where do the birds go when its cold ?
4. Where do they return in summer ?

5. Which birds migrate without flying ? Where do they migrate from and how ?
6. How do swallows catch flies ?
Find words from the passage that mean go on a yearly journey to warmer climate :______________________________
2.(fly) very fast : _______________________________________________________
3. Sit firmly on branches :________________________________________________

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions:Germs are tiny one-celled organisms. Some germs are so small that they cannot be seen
even under a microscope.
Germs are also called microbes or microorganisms. Germs may either be plants or animals.
The animal forms are called protozoa and the plant forms are called bacteria. A third group of
germs is called virus.
It was discovered in 1895 that germs cause diseases. Louis Pasteur was the scientist who
discovered that the most dangerous enemies of mankind are germs. We can protect ourselves
against the diseases caused by germs by taking vaccination.
A) Answer the following questions :1. What are germs
2. How can we protect ourselves from germs?


Complete the following :Germs are ___________________creatures.

They are also called ___________________
____________________discovered that germs cause disease.
Find Opposites from the passage:
1) Giant X ____________________
2) Over X______________________

He says that he will come home to night at 10 o clock by a jet airways flight from Mumbai.
OMG! Diary you could never guess what happened today.
Volcanic activity may split the African continent in two owing to a recent geological crack in
north-eastern Ethiopia researchers said on Tuesday. The 60 km split in the desolate afar region,
was the result of two volcanic eruptions on September 2005.

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