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DuNa^A,R Fouge DepeRTMENT

for the position of Probationary Patrol Officer

ls testing

Application packets can be picked up at the Dunbar Municipal building in the City Clerk's Office Monday through Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (excluding holidays). Completed applications MUSI be delivered to the office of the Clerk, 2lO tz'n St., Municipal Building Dunbar, WV 2506,4 NO IATER mAN 4:00pm October llm, 2013.
The MINIMUM eligibility requirements for testing for the referenced position are:

o o o

Not less than 18 or more than


years of age at the time of application.

A United States Citizen. Free from any serious physical or mental infirmities.

A Pass/Fall physlcal fitness test consisting


. r r
Bfi plotrnent Pad<age lncludes:

18 Push-ups 27 Sit-ups

within one (1) minute.

within one (1) minute. 1.5 mile run within 15 minutes & 20 seconds.

o o o o o o o o o


hourwork days offper'month including one 7 day break lnsurane, plus optical and dental

14 work days per month 14 days

PEIA Health

Life lnsurance

Retirement Plan ClothingAllowan@

Paid Vacation, Holidays and Sick Leave

Starting salary is approximately 537,800.00

Applicants who pass the physical test will move on to the written test phase.
Test date is October 19 2013. Physical fitness test is at g:(Xlam at the Dunbar

Middle School. !f you success{ulty pass the Physical fitness test, you wilt eligible to take the written test beginning at 1:fi)pm.
Females and Minorities are encouraged to apply.

See if YOU have what it takes

Dunbar is an

to become one of Dunba/s finest!

equl oppqtunity wdoy6r.

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